Group 1: Site Visit to Compañía Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi (The site visit has limited places and prior registration is required)
Bus boarding at NH Pacífico Hotel and transfer to airport
Flight to Collahuasi Mine
Arrival and visit to Collahuasi Mine
Transfer to the airport and flight to Iquique
Bus boarding and transfer to NH Pacífico Hotel
Lunch at NH Pacífico Hotel
Bus boarding at NH Pacífico Hotel and transfer to Humberstone
STUDENT POSTER: Variation in body composition and lifestyles of mining workers exposed to geographic altitude in a shift system in the Atacama Region, Vallenar
Polonia Espinoza and Julio Pérez, Departamento de Nutrición y Dietética, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Atacama, Chile
STUDENT POSTER: Development of a predictive model for maximum flyrock projection for blasting in open-pit mines
Diego Barrera, Francisco Guerra, Franco Osorio, Andrés Soto, Ingeniería Civil en Minas, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile; Vlamir Muñoz, Geoinco, Chile; y Raúl Chepillo, Enaex, Chile
STUDENT POSTER: Analysis of far field blast-induced vibrations in relation to the standard for critical infrastructure
Vicente Acevedo, Javiera Aedo, Diego Prado, Juan Pablo Mulet, Andrés Soto, Ingeniería Civil en Minas, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile; Vlamir Muñoz, Geoinco, Chile; y Claudio Gajardo, Enaex, Chile
STUDENT POSTER: Options for incorporating exoskeletons into specific tasks in the Chilean mining industry
Nicole Abumohor, Jorge González, Álvaro Mayorga, Fernanda Saez, Ingeniería Civil en Minas, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile; Vlamir Muñoz, Geoinco, Chile; y Renato Sepúlveda, AndesLevers, Chile
Nuevo estándar en seguridad y salud ocupacional “SSO”
Dieter Garafulic, Laboratorio Kasem, Chile
Mejora tecnológica en efectividad comunicacional portando elementos de protección personal
Jorge Morales y David Lean, MASPROT, Chile
OSHA update to reduce respiratory protection mask fit testing times
Yercka García y Juan Lameles, Equipos de seguridad NLT, Chile
Robótica aplicada a la reducción de exposición a riesgos
José Manuel Ortiz y Pablo Araya, Kinamics, Chile