Density Modelling of Chlorinated Brines in Two-Component Systems
Joaquín Miranda, Andrés Soto-Bubert, César Arredondo and Roberto Acevedo, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile
Density Modelling of Chlorinated Brines in Three-Component Systems
Joaquín Miranda, Andrés Soto-Bubert, César Arredondo and Roberto Acevedo, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile
Viscosity Modelling of Chlorinated Brines in Three-Component Systems
Sebastián Campos, Andrés Soto-Bubert, César Arredondo and Roberto Acevedo, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile
Recovery of Cadmium and Zinc as “Clean” Nanoparticles of CdS and ZnS from Synthetic Mine Water
Araceli Rodríguez, Iván Ñancucheo and Gonzalo Recio, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile
Boron Recovery from Organic Solutions Used in Brine Treatment through a Water Stream
Alejandra Cerda, Yecid Jiménez, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile; and M. P. Jara, Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidad de Chile
Leaching Study in Oxidative, Acidic and Chloride Medium for Two Differents Concentrate
Constanza Tapia, María Elisa Taboada, Pía Hernández and Teófilo Graber, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Column Leaching of Copper Sulphide Ore in Chloride-Iodide-Acid-Oxidant Media
Alejandro Angel, María Elisa Taboada and Pía Hernández, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium of Two-Phase Aqueous Systems with DES at Different Temperatures
Camila Vallejos-Michea and Yecid Jiménez, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Study of the Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium of Ionic Liquid + Sulfate Salts + Water Systems
Rosamar Condori and Yecid Jiménez, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Design and Development of a Hydrometallurgy Experiment by Leaching of Chalcantite Impregnated with Quartz and Copper Electrowinning
Rodrigo Carrasco, Vlamir Muñoz, Andres Soto; Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile; and Hector Jordan, Anglo American, Chile
Evaluation of an Environmentally Friendly Process for Solar Panel Recycling
Monserrat Martínez, School of Civil Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile; Yecid Jiménez and Pía Hernández, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Effect of Hydrophobic Deep Eutectic Solvents on the Selective Recovery of Cobalt (II)
Felipe Olea, Julio Romero and Esteban Quijada, Department of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
A Preliminary Study on Nitric Acid Pre-treatment of Refractory Gold-Telluride Ores
Carlos Argumedo, Oscar Restrepo and Dairo Chaverra, Department of Materials, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Copper Leaching Behavior from Tailings Using Amino Acids
Alberto Riquelme, Alejandra Cerda and Pía Hernández, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Leaching Study of Copper Ore Using Deep Eutectic Solvent
Matías Muñoz, Alejandra Cerda and Pía Hernández, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Magnetic Adsorbent for Lanthanum, Samarium, and Praseodymium in Aqueous Media
Camila Jara, School of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universidad de Chile and School of Health Sciences, Universidad Bernardo O´Higgins, Chile; José Gaete, Giuliana Ferraresi, Carlos Basualto and Fernando Valenzuela, School of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universidad de Chile
Acid Oxidative Leaching of Copper Concentrates by Means of Fe(III) and Cu(II) in Chloride and Iodide Media
Bruno Yañez, Francisca Perez, Carlos Basualto, Fernando Valenzuela, Laboratory of Unit Operations and Hydrometallurgy, Universidad de Chile; and Gonzalo Montes-Atenas, Minerals and Metals Characterization and Separation (M2SC) Research Group, Department of Mine Engineering, Universidad de Chile
Lead Recovery from Anodic Slimes in Chloride Medium
Yeimy Vivar, Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile; Lilian Velásquez, Department of Mining Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; and Cristian Vargas, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Recovery of Copper from Mining-Impacted Soils through Crystallization
Sonia Cortés, Javier Ordóñez, Pablo Maluenda-León, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile; and Liey-si Wong-Pinto, Department of Geological Sciences, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
Heat Transfer Simulation for a New Chalcopyrite Ore Dissolution Process Using CFD Software
Carlos Otárola, Sebastián Malverde, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile; and Lilian Velásquez, Department of Mining Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Copper Recovery from Mine Tailings through Anaerobic Bioleaching Electro-Assisted
Edel Fernández, Eduardo Ortega-Martínez and Javiera Toledo-Alarcón, Faculty of Engineering and Sciences, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile
How do Cathodic and Anodic Subprocesses Determine the Dissolution Rate in the Leaching of Chalcopyrite in Chloride Solutions?
Katherine Jaramillo, Department of Mine Engineering, Universidad de Chile and Advanced Mining Technology Center, Universidad de Chile; and Tomás Vargas, Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidad de Chile and Advanced Mining Technology Center, Universidad de Chile
Salar de Atacama: First Assessment of the Theoretical Capacity for Underground Hydrogen Storage in Bedded Salt Formations, Chile
Ignacio Guilquiruca, Department of Geology, Universidad de Chile; Luis Orellana, Department of Mine Engineering, Universidad de Chile; and Rodrigo Campos, Arcadis, Chile