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Virtual Technical Course 1 | Free Access for Participants Registered to the Conference
Introduction to Biohydrometallurgy and Technology Developments for Copper Concentrate Processing Wenying Liu, Associate Professor, Department of Materials Engineering, University of British Columbia, Canada; and David Dreisinger, Professor, Department of Materials Engineering, University of British Columbia, Canada
Virtual Technical Course 2 | Free Access for Participants Registered to the Conference
Minería Urbana: Alternativas Hidrometalúrgicas Amigables para su Desarrollo Pía Hernández, Académica, Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Procesos de Minerales, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Session 1: Modeling and Process Simulation, Data Analysis
Chair: Catalina WellsSQM, Chile
Day 1 Program Update
Simulation Approach for Blend Control of Cyanicidal Impurities Affecting the Merrill-Crowe Process Alessandro Navarra, Raynald Gauvin, Javier Órdenes, Dept. of Mining and Materials Engineering, McGill University, Canada; Norman Toro, School of Engineering and Architecture, Universidad Arturo Prat, Chile; and Manuel Saldaña, Dept. of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Holistic and Transdisciplinary Approach to Model Heap Leaching of Copper Sulfide Ores. Simulation and Optimization at Realistic Scales
Humberto Estay, Aldo Muñoz, Simón Díaz, José Espinoza, Joaquín Silva, Santiago Monserrat, Daniel Zamora, Mélanie Colet, Enrique Jélvez, Tomás Vargas, AMTC, U. de Chile; Nelson Morales, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada; and Wenying Liu, Dept. of Materials Engineering, U. of British Columbia, Canada
Numerical Analysis of Three-Dimensional Heat Transport in Chloride Heap Leaching of Sulfide Ore Humberto Estay, Daniela Muñoz, Aldo Muñoz, Mauricio Gutierrez, Simón Díaz, Bruno Gonzalez, Santiago Monserrat, Tomás Vargas, Diego Mancilla, Advanced Mining Technology Center (AMTC), Universidad de Chile; Miguel Carrasco, Roberto Collao, Felipe Lagno and Héctor Carreño, Distrito Norte, Codelco, Chile
Modelling Solute Distribution in a Catalysed Column Prashanth Krishnamoorthy, David Dixon, Department of Materials Engineering, University of British Columbia, Canada; Zihe Ren, Chih Wei Chao and Nelson Mora, Jetti Services, Canada
Session 2: New Reagents, Materials and Technology
Chair: Jorge RiveraArcadis, Chile
Day 1 Program Update
Oximetal ProcessTM in Hydrometallurgy Jorge Ipinza, Jorge Gacitúa, Mario Oportus and Camilo Araos, Foster Ingeniería, Chile
Perspective of the Potential of the Ionic Liquids and Deep Eutectic Solvents for Rare Earth Processing: State-of-the-Art Cesia Molina, Julio Romero, Esteban Quijada and Ricardo Abejón, Department of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Leaching of Lead slags by using Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) Bruna Salgado, Carlos Aragón, Carlos Correa, María Bautista, Cesar Mora and Diana Endara, Department of Extractive Metallurgy, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador
Use of Shape Modifiers in Lithium Carbonate Crystallization Eder Piceros, María Elisa Taboada, Ricardo Jeldres and Teófilo Graber, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile; and Silvia Bolado, Chemical Engineering Department, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Characterization of Chrysocolla with State-of-the-Art Electron Microscopy with EDS Raynald Gauvin, Nicolas Brodusch, Alessandro Navarra, Kristian Waters, Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, McGill University, Canada; and Norman Toro, Department of Metallurgical and Mining Engineering, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
Session 3: Innovation and Process Improvement I
Chair: Silvana NavarroCLMetcing, Chile
Copper Decontamination from Mining Process Waters through the Application of Biomass Sigde Mamani, Women in Mining, Chile
Investigating the Fundamentals of Utilizing LixTRA as a Leaching Aid Mitchell Catling, Rebecca Copp, Carlos Silva Gaxiola, JJ Taute and Harrison Puffer, BASF Corporation, USA
Interior and Exterior Instrumentation System for Leaching Piles Pablo Gaete, Banff, Chile
Production Process of Lithium Sulfate from Brines Osvaldo Yáñez, Einar Barrientos, Patricio Avendaño, Javiera Dumont and David Torres, SQM, Chile
Session 4: Leaching and Solvent Extraction in Chloride Medium
Chair: David MolenaarCSIRO, Australia
Chloride Leaching of Copper Ores: Influence of NaCl on Gangue Dissolution and Its Effect on Copper Leaching Kinetics Pablo Jumbo, Brian Townley and Tomás Vargas, Advanced Mining Technology Center (AMTC), Universidad de Chile
The Development of Leaching in Chloride Medium at Minera Tres Valles Eduardo Hasan and Lucas Poblete, Minera Tres Valles, Chile
Natrojarosite Formation in Brines of Leaching Solutions and Chlorinated Salts Andrés Espinoza, Héctor Camacho, Minera Zaldívar, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile; and Jorge Ipinza, Foster Ingeniería, Chile and Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
Inaugural Ceremony
Words of Welcome

Mimy Mackenzie, Conference Manager, Gecamin, Chile
Fernando Valenzuela, Hydroprocess 2023 Program Director; Professor, Universidad de Chile
Pía Hernández, Hydroprocess 2023 Co-Organizer; Academic, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile

A Posthumous Tribute to Andrés Reghezza Fernando Parada, Professor, Metallurgical Engineering Department, Universidad de Concepción; and Jorge Menacho, PhD, General Manager, De Re Metálica Ingenierí­a, Chile
Zaldívar, Creando el Conocimiento del Futuro María de la Luz Osses, Hydroprocess 2023 Chair; Operations Manager, Minera Zaldívar, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Session 5: Innovation and Process Improvement II
Chair: Mauricio RojasMinera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Day 2 Program Update
Applicability of Two-Stage SART for Zinc and Copper Precipitation in Latin American Mining Projects David Kratochvil, Oscar López, Pablo Bellalta and Francis Gantley, BQE Water, Chile
New Method to Design and Project Behavior of a Heap under Simultaneous Irrigation and Aeration Conditions Jorge Menacho and Guillermo Vega, De Re Metallica Ingeniería, Chile
Regeneration of Ferric Solution Used in Chalcopyrite Leaching by Catalytic Oxidation with Carbon Veronica Cascante, Ernesto De la Torre and Carlos Aragón, Department of Extractive Metallurgy, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador
Characterization of Hydrodynamics in SX Plants Jorge Menacho and Carlos Martínez, De Re Metallica Ingeniería, Chile
Session 6: Solvent Extraction Processes
Chair: Liliana TamayoBHP, Chile
Day 2 Program Update
Reduction of Diluent and Extractant Consumption in the Solvent Extraction Process at S.M. Cerro Verde, Perú Wilson Loayza, Jefrey Cervantes, Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde, Peru
Understanding the Synergies of Nitration Variables. An Expert Look under the Current Context Edgar Ricce, Juan Carlos Sanchez, Solvay, Peru; Alexis Escobar and David Acevedo, Solvay, Chile
Metso Outotec VSF®X Solvent Extraction for the Sicomines Project Marko Lampi, Kaarlo Haavanlammi and Claudio Rodriguez, Metso Outotec, Finland
State of the Art of Copper Extractants, Current and Future Challenges David Acevedo, Rodrigo Zambra and Juan Carlos Sanchez, Solvay, Chile
Plenary Session 1
Chair: Cristian CaroLeaching Innovation Manager, Freeport McMoran, USA
Challenges and Opportunities in Hydrometallurgy Today, and Codelco's Proposal to Address Them Bárbara Valdivia, Sulfide Hydrometallurgical Development Director, Codelco, Chile
Start-up of the Fastest Leaching Facility in the World – Mina Justa Saddy Peroncini, Oxide Plant Manager, Mina Justa, Marcobre, Peru
Plenary Session 2
Chair: Syndy BarrazaHydrometallurgical Processes Corporate Director, Codelco, Chile
How to Make a 0.27% Copper Deposit Profitable: The Outstanding Case of Lomas Bayas Pablo Carvallo, General Manager, Minera Lomas Bayas, Glencore, Chile
Process Optimization in Cathodes Plant of Minera Centinela Gonzalo Barcos, Cathode Plant Manager, Minera Centinela, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Session 7: Innovation and Process Improvement III
Chair: Pablo CarvajalHatch, Chile
Dynamic ROM Heap Leaching of Sulphate Ore at Minera Antucoya Carolina Zuanic, Javiera Alfaro and Mauricio Rojas, Minera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Reimagining Vat Leaching: Novel Hydrometallurgical Process for Efficient Copper Extraction from Chalcopyrite Ores Lilian Velásquez, Department of Mining Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Sebastián Malverde, Raúl Vidal, TRESIN, Chile; and Carlos Otárola, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Obtaining High-Purity V2O5 Using Chelating Resins José Vinco, Heitor Duarte, Denise Espinosa and Jorge Tenório, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Gold Cyanidation Using Hydrogen Peroxide Ricardo Poblete, Compañía Explotadora de Minas – CEMIN, Chile; Daniela Miranda, Minera Centinela, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile; and Jorge García, SUN, Chile
Production of Phosphoric Acid from Apatite by Reaction with Sulphur Trioxide Igor Wilkomirsky, Fernando Parada and Roberto Parra, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Concepcion, Chile
Session 8: Leaching and Bioleaching of Sulfide Minerals and Concentrates I
Chair: Jefrey CervantesSociedad Minera Cerro Verde, Peru
Recovery of Copper as “Clean” Nanoparticles of CuS from Acid Rock Drainage and Mine Process Water Aracely Rodríguez, Gonzalo Recio and Iván Nancucheo, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile
Challenges of Thermal Control in Heap Leaching of Primary Sulfide Ores Jorge Rivera, Patricia Silva, Nicolás Arriagada and Francisco Arriagada, Arcadis, Chile
Primary Copper Sulphide Leaching: Not Just a Passivation Problem Tihomir Domic and Esteban Domic, Nova Mineralis, Chile
Methodology for Monitoring Heap Leach Phreatic Stratum for Irrigation Control Gerardo Olivares, Miguel Yapura, Víctor Olivares, TESRA, Chile; Nelson Herrera, Department of Metallurgical and Mining Engineering, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile; and Eric Herrera, Albemarle, Chile
Bio-oxidation of Primary Gold Ore as a Pre-Oxidative Step for Subsequent Extraction of the Gold Content Luis Sobral, Andriela de Oliveira, CETEM – Centre for Mineral Technology, Brazil; A. Cherem da Cunha, Universidade Federal Do Rio De Janeiro, Brazil; and Carlos Wisniewski, Euro Metal Brasil Mining Company, Brazil
Session 9: Electrowinning Operations I
Chair: Francisco VillegasMinera Centinela, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Specific Electric Power Consumption in Copper EW Plants Freddy Castro, Christian Hecker and Patricio Andrade, Elektrochemie, Chile
Control and Mitigation of Residual Voltage in Maintenance Tasks of Busbar in Electrowinning Cells Oscar Abarca, Fredy Condori and Edson Castro, Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde, Peru
Acid Mist Suppression Andrea Ardiles, Pablo Cabello, Safetymin, Chile; and Zhou Fangli, Kopper Chemical Industry, China
Determination of the Main Variables Affecting the Cathodic Quality Loss of EW Copper Based on Industrial Data Antonio Velásquez, Rodrigo Rodriguez, Minera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile; Christian Hecker and Freddy Castro, Elektrochemie, Chile
Session 10: Leaching and Bioleaching of Sulfide Minerals and Concentrates II
Chair: Martina PetranikovaChalmers University, Sweden
Polymetallic Concentrate Leaching using Deep Eutectic Solvents: Reline, Ethaline and Glyceline Carlos Aragón, Ernesto De la Torre and Diana Endara, Department of Extractive Metallurgy, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador
Calibration and Validation of a Kinetic Model for Leaching of Copper Sulfide Ores in Chloride Medium Humberto Estay, Simón Díaz, Bruno Gonzalez, Mauricio Gutierrez, Daniela Silva, Tomás Vargas, Advanced Mining Technology Center (AMTC), Universidad de Chile; Miguel Carrasco, Roberto Collao, Felipe Lagno and Héctor Carreño, Distrito Norte, Codelco, Chile
Recovery of Copper-Cobalt-Zinc from a Calcine Using the Metso Outotec Pressure Leaching Process Timo Saarenpaa, Marko Lampi, Kaarlo Haavanlammi and Claudio Rodriguez, Metso Outotec, Finland
Thermal Model of Leach Pad Applied to Engineering Design for Primary Sulfides in Gabriela Mistral Division Pablo Carvajal, Camilo Medel, Rodrigo Cerda, Carolina Sepúlveda, Claudio Hermosilla, Hatch, Chile; Cristian Ramírez, Claudio Seguy and Claudio Nicolás, División Gabriela Mistral, Codelco, Chile
Session 11: Electrowinning Operations II
Chair: Juan JaraSociedad Contractual Minera El Abra, Chile
Day 3 Program Update
CFD Study of Background Ventilation in an EW Tankhouse Gabriel Arévalo, AMCA Systems, Chile
Electrical and Thermal Testing of Prototype High Current Switches to Mitigate Short Circuits in Tankhouses David Molenaar, Shen Long, Jeremy Kieruj, David Marcuson, Tony Kilpatrick, Mick Wade, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation – CSIRO, Australia; and Lewis Douketis, Swinburne University, Australia
Fence-Type Aluminum-Based Lead-Alloy Composite Material Anode in Hydrometallurgy Hui Huang, Zhongcheng Guo, Buming Chen, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China and Yunnan Metallurgical Electrode Materials Engineering Technology Research Center, China; Xuelong Li, Yang Guo, Kunming Hendera Science and Technology, China; Wenyan Xu, China Nonferrous Mining Group; and Shuiping Zhong, Zijin Mining Group, China
Measurement of Reverse Battery Effect Current in a Tankhouse David Molenaar, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation – CSIRO, Australia; Noel Kimlin, Andrew Spencer, Glencore Technology, Australia; and Christopher Sam Soon, Hydrix Services, Australia
Intrinsic Pulsing Félix Prado and Pablo Prado, Infotrol, Spain
Session 12: Lithium and Saline Compounds Hydrometallurgical Processing I
Chair: Léa RouquetteChalmers University, Sweden
Day 3 Program Update
Sodium Sulfate as It Relates to the Battery Revolution: Challenges and Opportunities Isadora Martins, Thais Carreira, Marcus Verdi, Hatch, Brazil; and Gustavo Gilberti, Hatch, Europe
Recovering Lithium from Lithium-Ion Batteries by a Combination of Pyro and Hydrometallurgical Processes Luis Sobral, I. Viana, M. Batista, CETEM – Centre for Mineral Technology, Brazil; A. Cherem da Cunha, Universidade Federal Do Rio De Janeiro, Brazil; and Carlos Wisniewski, Euro Metal Brasil Mining Company, Brazil
Recovery of Battery-Grade Lithium Carbonate from Precipitated Lithium Mother Liquor Tang Qiming, Zou Qian, Zhou Fangli, Li Shuang, Liu Lian and Deng Tao, Kopper Chemical Industry, China
Leaching of LiCoO2 from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries in a Mixed H2SO4-NaCl Medium Cristian Serrano and Julio Valenzuela, Lithium I+D+i Center and Department of Metallurgical and Mining Engineering, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
Importance of Saponification on Solvent Extraction of Discarded Li-Ion Batteries Atefeh Azizi, Reza Enjavi Moosavi and Justin Blundell and Chris Duhayon, Ascend Elements, USA
Plenary Session 3
Chair: Pía HernándezDepartment of Chemical and Process Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
SQM Lithium Business and Future Challenges Carlos Díaz, Vice-President Lithium Business Division, SQM, Chile
Buenaventura Mine Hydrometallurgical Development Planning Percy Ponce, Metallurgy and Business Development Manager, Cía. de Minas Buenaventura, Peru
Session 13: Electrowinning Operations III
Chair: Javiera AlfaroMinera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Industrial Experience of the Effect of Manganese on Lead-Based Anodes and Its Impact on Cathodic Quality Fernando Aguiar, Alexis Diaz, Compañía Minera Lomas Bayas, Chile; Christian Hecker and Freddy Castro, Elektrochemie, Chile
Improved Energy Efficiency and Short Circuits Protection in Copper Refineries with Segmented Robert Dufresne and Hamid Arabzadeh, Pultrusion Technique, Canada
High-Alloyed Lean Duplex Stainless Steel Permanent Cathode Plates for Demanding SX-EW Tank House Environments Mikko Palosaari, Outokumpu Europe, Finland; Jenny Grankvist, Outokumpu Stainless, Sweden; Jorge Bridges, Mark Arizmendiz and Tom Carmichael, Caid Industries, USA
A Novel Method in Cellhouse Refineries for Replacement of Damaged Electrolytic Cells Daniel Savard, Robert Dufresne and Hamid Arabzadeh, Pultrusion Technique, Canada
Session 14: Lithium and Saline Compounds Hydrometallurgical Processing II
Chair: Pamela BernalSQM, Chile
Recycling of Li-Ion Batteries from Vehicles: the LAREX-Tupy Process Amilton Junior, David Vasconcelos, Jorge Tenório, Denise Espinosa, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of São Paulo, Brazil; Luciana Gobo, Elio Kumoto and Andre Ferrarese, Tupy Tech, Brazil
Advances in Hydrometallurgical Processing of Black Mass from EV Li-Ion Batteries Martina Petranikova, Léa Rouquette, Andrea Locati and Burçak Ebin, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Simulating Direct Lithium Extraction from Andean Salt Flats Diana Miller and Anthony Gerbino, OLI Systems, USA
Production of Lithium Hydroxide via Electrochemistry from Li2SO4 Robinson Constanzo, Catalina Wells, Osvaldo Yañez, SQM, Chile; Gerardo Cifuentes and Eduardo Pino, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Session 15: Base Metal, Precious Metal and Rare Earth Hydrometallurgy
Chair: Lucía ManangónEscuela Politécnica Nacional de Quito, Ecuador
Optimization of Hydrodynamic Variables for Improvements in Heap Leach Metallurgical Performance Yuri Zepeda, Raul Manriquez, Javier Morales and Jorge Saenz-Diez, Compañía Minera Lomas Bayas, Chile
Rare Earth Recovery Using Circular Mineral Harvesting Process Ricardo Sepulveda, Aclara Resources, Chile
Improvements in Gold Recovery by Substituting Activated Carbon with Resin in the Heap Leaching Process Rodolfo Rengifo, Galmar Alarcón and Luis Amaya, HLC Ingeniería y Construcción, Peru
Cobalt Ferrite Synthesized by Hydrothermal Route for the Catalytic Oxidation of Cyanide Lucia Manangon, Alex Redrovan, Jessica Guaman, Alison Sango, Ayleen Villacres and Ernesto de la Torre, Department of Extractive Metallurgy, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador
Quantification of Segregated Pore Network via Micro-CT Detection and Its Effect on Potential Fluid Flow Behavior in Heap Yang Guo, Kunming Hendera Science and Technology, China; Leiming Wang, Xingquan Zhang, Liang Cheng and Shenghua Yin, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China
Session 16: Minor Elements and Mining Waste Hydrometallurgy
Chair: Humberto EstayAMTC, Universidad de Chile
Revolutionizing E-Waste Management: A Hydrometallurgical Approach for Valuable Resource Recovery Lilian Velásquez, Department of Mining Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Sebastián Malverde and Raúl Vidal, TRESIN, Chile
Hydrometallurgical Recovery of Lead from Sulphate Leach Residues Mateusz Ciszewski, Andrzej Chmielarz, Szymon Orda, Witold Kurylak, Michal Drzazga and Katarzyna Leszczynska-Sejda, LUKASIEWICZ – Institute of Non-ferrous Metals, Poland
Ta/Nb Production from Cassiterite Tailings Franco Garjulli, Thamyres Cardoso, Vilson Conrado, Iara Alves, Denise Espinosa and Jorge Tenório, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Seeded Iron Recovery from Coal Fly Ash Leach Liquor to Prepare Poly Ferric Sulfate Coagulant Amanda Vilakazi, Liberty Chipise and Sehliselo Ndlovu, School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Nickel Leaching from Spent Petrochemical Catalyst Nayara Gomes, Franco Garjulli, Denise Espinosa, Marcela Galluzzi and Jorge Tenório, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Closing Ceremony and Farewell Toast

Conference Balance and Final Comments

Mimy Mackenzie, Conference Manager, Gecamin, Chile
Fernando Valenzuela, Hydroprocess 2023 Program Director; Professor, Universidad de Chile
Pía Hernández, Hydroprocess 2023 Co-Organizer; Academic, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
María de la Luz Osses, Hydroprocess 2023 Chair; Operations Manager, Minera Zaldívar, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile

Poster Session
Density Modelling of Chlorinated Brines in Two-Component Systems Joaquín Miranda, Andrés Soto-Bubert, César Arredondo and Roberto Acevedo, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile
Density Modelling of Chlorinated Brines in Three-Component Systems Joaquín Miranda, Andrés Soto-Bubert, César Arredondo and Roberto Acevedo, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile
Viscosity Modelling of Chlorinated Brines in Three-Component Systems Sebastián Campos, Andrés Soto-Bubert, César Arredondo and Roberto Acevedo, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile
Recovery of Cadmium and Zinc as “Clean” Nanoparticles of CdS and ZnS from Synthetic Mine Water Araceli Rodríguez, Iván Ñancucheo and Gonzalo Recio, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile
Boron Recovery from Organic Solutions Used in Brine Treatment through a Water Stream Alejandra Cerda, Yecid Jiménez, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile; and M. P. Jara, Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidad de Chile
Leaching Study in Oxidative, Acidic and Chloride Medium for Two Differents Concentrate Constanza Tapia, María Elisa Taboada, Pía Hernández and Teófilo Graber, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Column Leaching of Copper Sulphide Ore in Chloride-Iodide-Acid-Oxidant Media Alejandro Angel, María Elisa Taboada and Pía Hernández, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium of Two-Phase Aqueous Systems with DES at Different Temperatures Camila Vallejos-Michea and Yecid Jiménez, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Study of the Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium of Ionic Liquid + Sulfate Salts + Water Systems Rosamar Condori and Yecid Jiménez, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Design and Development of a Hydrometallurgy Experiment by Leaching of Chalcantite Impregnated with Quartz and Copper Electrowinning Rodrigo Carrasco, Vlamir Muñoz, Andres Soto; Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Design, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile; and Hector Jordan, Anglo American, Chile
Evaluation of an Environmentally Friendly Process for Solar Panel Recycling Monserrat Martínez, School of Civil Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile; Yecid Jiménez and Pía Hernández, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Effect of Hydrophobic Deep Eutectic Solvents on the Selective Recovery of Cobalt (II) Felipe Olea, Julio Romero and Esteban Quijada, Department of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
A Preliminary Study on Nitric Acid Pre-treatment of Refractory Gold-Telluride Ores Carlos Argumedo, Oscar Restrepo and Dairo Chaverra, Department of Materials, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Copper Leaching Behavior from Tailings Using Amino Acids Alberto Riquelme, Alejandra Cerda and Pía Hernández, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Leaching Study of Copper Ore Using Deep Eutectic Solvent Matías Muñoz, Alejandra Cerda and Pía Hernández, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Magnetic Adsorbent for Lanthanum, Samarium, and Praseodymium in Aqueous Media Camila Jara, School of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universidad de Chile and School of Health Sciences, Universidad Bernardo O´Higgins, Chile; José Gaete, Giuliana Ferraresi, Carlos Basualto and Fernando Valenzuela, School of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universidad de Chile
Acid Oxidative Leaching of Copper Concentrates by Means of Fe(III) and Cu(II) in Chloride and Iodide Media Bruno Yañez, Francisca Perez, Carlos Basualto, Fernando Valenzuela, Laboratory of Unit Operations and Hydrometallurgy, Universidad de Chile; and Gonzalo Montes-Atenas, Minerals and Metals Characterization and Separation (M2SC) Research Group, Department of Mine Engineering, Universidad de Chile
Lead Recovery from Anodic Slimes in Chloride Medium Yeimy Vivar, Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile; Lilian Velásquez, Department of Mining Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; and Cristian Vargas, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Recovery of Copper from Mining-Impacted Soils through Crystallization Sonia Cortés, Javier Ordóñez, Pablo Maluenda-León, Department of Chemical and Mineral Processes Engineering, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile; and Liey-si Wong-Pinto, Department of Geological Sciences, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
Heat Transfer Simulation for a New Chalcopyrite Ore Dissolution Process Using CFD Software Carlos Otárola, Sebastián Malverde, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile; and Lilian Velásquez, Department of Mining Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Copper Recovery from Mine Tailings through Anaerobic Bioleaching Electro-Assisted Edel Fernández, Eduardo Ortega-Martínez and Javiera Toledo-Alarcón, Faculty of Engineering and Sciences, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile
How do Cathodic and Anodic Subprocesses Determine the Dissolution Rate in the Leaching of Chalcopyrite in Chloride Solutions? Katherine Jaramillo, Department of Mine Engineering, Universidad de Chile and Advanced Mining Technology Center, Universidad de Chile; and Tomás Vargas, Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidad de Chile and Advanced Mining Technology Center, Universidad de Chile
Salar de Atacama: First Assessment of the Theoretical Capacity for Underground Hydrogen Storage in Bedded Salt Formations, Chile Ignacio Guilquiruca, Department of Geology, Universidad de Chile; Luis Orellana, Department of Mine Engineering, Universidad de Chile; and Rodrigo Campos, Arcadis, Chile