Virtual Technical Course 3 | Free Access for Registered to The Conference
Mineral-Water-Physicochemical-Equipment Interactions and their Relationship with Fluid Dynamics in Concentrator Plant Processes
Leopoldo Gutiérrez, Professor, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Characterization and Surface Physicochemistry of Phosphate Rock for its Wet Concentration
Sara Barroso, Néstor Rojas and Daniel Zea, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Study of Copper Dissolution from Tailings Using Different Deep Eutectic Solvents
Leia Contreras and Pía Hernández, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Comparative Study of Simulations for a Primary Crushing Stage Using Web-based Tools
Cristian Álvarez, Universidad de Chile
Development of a Tool for Sizing and Scale-Up of a Rougher Flotation Cell Bank Basedon Laboratory Testwork Results
Alex Rey, Universidad de Chile
Development of a Spreadsheet-Based Simulation Tool for Crushing Plants
Roberto Acuña and Sebastián Díaz, Universidad de Chile
HPGR Model Calibration using the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
Sebastián Samur and María Ignacia Fernández, Universidad de Chile
Development of a Simulation Tool for Performance Assessment in a Blasting-SAG Grinding Operation
Diego Cortéz and Catalina Ramírez, Universidad de Chile
Development of a Spreadsheet Simulator for HPGR Circuit Analysis
Constanza Pamiez and Boris Calbul, Universidad de Chile
Evaluation of the Use of Polymeric Nanoparticles as a Collector of Chalcopyrite in the Presence of Clays
Nicolás Merino, Universidad de Talca, Chile
Modeling of Mineralization Styles of Cu Sulfides in Rio Blanco Deposit and its Impact on Cu Recovery
Nicolás Cabello, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile
Unlocking the Secrets of Mineral Breakage by Nanoindentation
Carolina Carvajal, Karina Barbosa and Marko Hilden, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, Chile
Mineral Liberation Analysis from a Non-Random Franture Modelling
Javier Jerez, Gonzalo Díaz and Pia Lois-Morales, Universidad de Chile
Determination of Flotation Tests Variation in Blast-Hole Samples Compared to Tests in Diamond Drill Core Samples at El Teniente Mine
Francisco Guerrero, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile; Manuel Salazar, División El Teniente, Codelco, Chile