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Virtual Technical Course 1 | Free Access for Registered to The Conference
Unlocking Lithium´s Potential: Challenges and Opportunities in the Extraction and Production Process Kristy Nell, Research Fellow, University of Queensland, Australia; James Vaughan, Assistant Professor, University of Queensland, Australia; Yahaira Barrueto, Researcher, SMI-ICE-Chile; Dennis Vega, Researcher, SMI-ICE-Chile
Virtual Technical Course 2 | Free Access for Registered to The Conference
Building a Workflow in Geometallurgical Prediction Sebastián Avalos, Principal Consultant, APMT Canada; Julián Ortiz, Associate Professor, Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining, Queen’s University, Canada
Virtual Technical Course 3 | Free Access for Registered to The Conference
Mineral-Water-Physicochemical-Equipment Interactions and their Relationship with Fluid Dynamics in Concentrator Plant Processes Leopoldo Gutiérrez, Professor, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Session 1: Optimization and Control in Comminution Processes
Chair: Dennis VegaSMIICE-Chile
Day 1 Program Update
Algorithms & Artificial Intelligence to Optimize Mining Operations Hector Fuentealba, SRML-Foresta, Canada; Pablo Costaguta and Benjamin Arias Foresta.IO, Chile
Remote Mill Monitoring: A Solution for Higher Efficiency and Asset Optimization David Gallego-Lobato, Nuno Rodrigues, Marcelo Perrucci and Christian Walz, ABB, Switzerland
Modeling of Crushing Machines with the Discrete Element Method Manuel Moncada, Fernando Betancourt, Patricio Toledo and Cristian Rodríguez, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Upgrading an HPGR to Incorporate Flanged Roll Design Using Advanced Mechanical Skew Control Nathan Elkin, Brian Knorr and Julian Bublitz, Metso, USA
The Impact of Media Embodied Carbon Emissions on Regrind Technology Selection Bianca Foggiatto, Jocelyn Quinteros, Grant Ballantyne and Sam Crane, Ausenco, Australia; Sergio Lagos, Ausenco Chile
Session 2: Applied Mineralogy I
Chair: Pía Lois-MoralesUniversidad de Chile
Day 1 Program Update
An Object-Based Image Recognition Approach Methodology for Pyrite Texture Quantification in Flotation Performance Studies Mayra Jefferson, Gordon Forbes, Elliot Brown, Catherine Curtis-Morar, Anita Parbhakar Fox, Sustainable Minerals Institute, University of Queensland Australia; Catherine Curtis-Morar, Mount Isa Mines Copper Concentrator, Glencore, Australia
Determination and Characterization of Activated Pyrites, El Teniente Deposit Carolina Becerra, División El Teniente, Codelco, Chile; Felipe Martínez, SGS, Chile
Talc Estimation Using Hyperspectral Scanning and High-Resolution Image Processing Lionel Fonteneau and Jonathan Hill, Corescan, Australia
Clay Model For The Iron Deposit “Minas El Romeral” Osvaldo Gómez, Camila de La Rivera, Esme Tristram and Nicolás Vercellino, Compañía Minera del Pacífico, Chile
Using Geochemical Data to Establish Indicator Minerals and Signatures Associated with the Gangue Rejection Amenability of Gold Ores

Bernard Agbenuvor, Erica Avelar and Chris Aldrich, Curtin University, Australia


Session 3: Classification and Ore Sorting
Chair: Fernando BetancourtUniversidad de Concepción, Chile
Real-time Particle Sizing for Efficiency and Cost Reduction: A Field Study of an Inline Microscope Sebastian Maaß, SOPAT, Germany; Alfredo Matus, Analitiks, Chile; Matthias Kraume, Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany; Henning Springer and Robert Panckow, MECOSA, South Africa
Ore Sorting: Could It Be Applied in Medium / Large Mining? Diego Rubio and Rafael Venegas, Wood PLC, Chile
Effect of Changes in Slurry Rheology on Particle Classification using Hydrocyclones Dennis Vega, Fernando Betancourt, Daniel Reyes and Patricio Soto, SMI-ICE, Chile
Real-time Measurement of Particle Size in Hydrocyclone Over-Flow: A New Control Strategy Robert Maron and Alejandro Jaque, CiDRA Minerals Processing, USA
Session 4: Applied Mineralogy II
Chair: Francisco GarcíaCaserones, Lundin Mining, Chile
Particle Breakage and XRT Ore Sorting Analysis for Flowsheet Development Priscila Esteves, Douglas Mazzinghy, Lütke Von Ketelhodt and Lerato Kotelo, Steinert Latinoamericana, Brazil; Thiago Almeida and Marcos Bueno, Geopyörä, Finland
Using an Energy-To-Fracture Particle Approach for Characterizing the Comminution Potential of Ores Hugo Bart, Gonzalo Díaz and Pia Lois-Morales, Advanced Mining Technology Center (AMTC), Universidad de Chile
A High-Resolution Hardness Model for Minera Antucoya Using the Near Infrared Spectroscopy and the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) Algorithm Mauricio Garrido, Gonzalo Mendoza, Gonzalo Fuster and Ivan Aguirre, Minera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile; Francisco Villaseca, Codemining, Chile
Implementation and Application of Quantitative Mineralogy NIR Models at the Bingham Canyon Mine Laura Hughes, Rio Tinto, USA
Session 5: Eco-Friendly Metallurgical Processes
Chair: Evelyn MeloUniversidad Católica del Norte, Chile
Using Mine Tailings as Raw Materials to Production Ceramic Foams Cristian Salazar, Romina Murga, and Lina Uribe, Universidad de Talca, Chile
Mining Green Solutions: Use of Glycolipid Biosurfactants on a Copper Leaching Process Ronney Rodrigues, Juan Cervantes, Gabi Knesel and Catherine Monyake, Locus Mining Solutions, USA
Potential Impact of Electrochemical Tailings Processing on the Worldwide Value of Cu and Au Production Peter Radziszewski, Rampart Detection Systems, Canada
Gelatinized Cassia Tora Gum as a Cost-Effective and Eco-Friendly Carboxymethyl Cellulose Alternative Walter Ngobeni, Ndzala Laboratory Supplies, South Africa; Antoine Mulaba-Bafubiandib, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Session 6: Improvements in Plant Operations
Chair: Romke KuyvenhovenMetcelerate, Chile
Benefits from One Year of Using XRF Technologies in One Loader: Carmen de Andacollo Experience Jorge Correa, MineSense Technologies, Chile; Martin Bradshaw, MineSense Technologies, Canada; Victor Araya, Carmen de Andacollo, Teck, Chile
Do Surface Active Reagents Follow or Not Gas-Liquid Interfaces? A Novel Test for Flotation Reagent Assessment Ana María Rojo, Ximena Caldera, Katty Balboa, Lilian Castro, Guillermo Pastore, Química Rhenium, Chile
Operational Improvements CNN Project Pilot Plant Design by CMP and MOPE (Brazil) Jean Rojas, Juan Carlos Ramiro and Héctor Guerra, Compañia Minera del Pacífico, Chile; Alexis Yovanovic, MOPE, Brazil
Upgrading the Cleaning Circuit Using Intensified Flotation Cells Juan Yianatos, Paulina Vallejos, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile; Marcelo Rodríguez and Jorge Cortínez, Cía. Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi, Chile
18:00 - 19:00 Opening Ceremony
Words of Welcome
Mimy Mackenzie, Conference Manager, Gecamin, Chile
Leopoldo Gutiérrez, Procemin-Geomet 2023 Co-Organizer; Professor, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Dennis Vega, Procemin-Geomet 2023 Co-Organizer; Senior Investigator, SMI-ICE-Chile
Current and Future Challenges in Mineral Processing, a Leadership Look at How to Face Them
Claudio Muñoz, Procemin-Geomet 2023 Chair, BOS Global Practice Lead, BHP, Australia
Session 7: Flotation Reagents I
Chair: Leopoldo GutierrezUniversidad de Concepción, Chile
Day 2 Program Update
New Collectors for More Selective Flotation in Polymetallic Ores Patricio Zarate and Miguel Arends, Clariant, Chile; Hans Cayo, Clariant, Peru
Study of Potassium Permanganate as Arsenic Minerals Depressant in Sulfide Minerals Flotation Ignacio González, Rodrigo Yepsen and Daniel Zuluaga, Universidad de Talca, Chile
Use of Biosolids as Reagent Collectors in the Flotation of Copper Sulphide Minerals Matías Espinosa, Camila Rodriguez and Lina Uribe, Universidad de Talca, Chile; Lorenzo Reyes, Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Use of Biosurfactants as an Alternative to Frothers in Froth Flotation Ronney Rodrigues, Catherine Monyake, Gabi Knesel and Juan Cervantes, Locus Mining Solutions, USA
Assessment of a New Kind of Glycol to Improve Metallurgical Performance Without Over Foaming Nicolás Miranda, Shuji Futakuchi, Caserones, Lundin Mining, Chile; Ignacio Ramos, Universidad de Santiago, Chile and Ricardo Rubio, Solvay, Chile
Session 8: Geometallurgical Modelling
Chair: Francisco MarínDivisión Andina, Codelco
Day 2 Program Update
A Novel Cu Sulfide and Pyrite Depressant as a Safer and Efficient Alternative to NaSH in Cu-Mo Separation Carmina Quintanar and Julio Zapata, Solvay, Chile; Esau Arnatiwe and Alfredo Santana, Solvay, USA
Geometallurgical Modelling of Comminution Indexes Blends from the Main Lithologies Present at Chapada Mine Alderney Moreira, Geraldo Santos Junior and Douglas Mazzinghy, Lundin Mining, Brazil
Geometallurgical Approach for Predicting and Managing the Ore Variability Vesa-Pekka Takalo, Antti Remes, Jari Moilanen and Jussi Liipo, Metso, Finland
Optimizing Mineral Recovery: Geometallurgical Insights from Andina Division Claudio Martínez and Eduardo Morín, División Andina, Codelco, Chile
Increased Metallurgical Recovery of Copper in Escondida Concentrator Plants Through the Use of our Operating System Marcelo Adaro, Escondida, BHP, Chile
Plenary Session 1
Chair: Marcial MedinaPlant Process and Project Manager, Hudbay, Peru
Start-up of Minera Spence´s Spence Growth Option (SGO) Project: Achievements and Pending Challenges Eliana Calderón, Plant General Manager, Spence, BHP, Chile
Counter the Consequences of Clays
Sebastián Gálvez, Gerente de Procesos, Ausenco, Chile
Plenary Session 2
Chair: Romina MaggioloConcentrator Production Manager, Los Colorados, BHP, Chile
Geometallurgical Categorization of the Mineral Resource: Advances and Challenges in Codelco
Marcela Oyarzún, Corporate Director of Geometallurgy, Codelco, Chile
Digital Twins and its Application in Collahuasi: Experiences and Learning Marcos Guerrero, Vice President of Processes, Cía. Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi, Chile
Session 9: Flotation Reagents II
Chair: Alexis CamposMathiesen, Chile
The Reduction of the Negative Effects of Aluminosilicate Minerals on Gold Flotation by a New Reagent Suite Wendel Rodrigues, Clariant, Chile; Wagner Silva, Clariant, USA; Pedro Gonzaga de Almeida, Clariant, Brazil
Lead/Silver Recovery Through a Leaching and Flotation Process from Lead Smelting Slag from the Company Fundeconsa Miguel Angel Cochachi and Wilson Chavez, JS Consulting, Peru; Germán Sovero, Ocean Partners, Peru
Enhancement of Copper and Molybdenum Recoveries Through the Correct Use of Diesel in Flotation Hector Lizama, Leopoldo Gutiérrez, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Use of Dispersants for the Flotation of Gold from a Porphyry Copper Deposit Andrés Ramirez-Madrid, Leopoldo Gutiérrez, Claudio Quintana and Luver Echeverry, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Improvement of Fines Particles Flotation Through Physicochemical Aggregation Hector Lizama, Ailynne Rojas, Leopoldo Gutiérrez, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Session 10: Geometallurgical Design
Chair: Mauricio GarridoMinera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Evaluating the Additivity of Different Lithologies in Geometallurgical Tests of Copper-Gold Ore Flotation Flavio Moura and Douglas Mazzinghy, Lundin Mining, Brazil; Gerando Santos and Thais Fonseca, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
The Impact of Batch Flotation Tests on the Industrial Plant Prediction: Is There a Standard Protocol? Paulina Vallejos and Juan Yianatos, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
Complex Zones Target for Geometallurgical Drillholes and Sampling Rodrigo Gutiérrez and Carlos Delgado, Escondida, BHP, Chile
Strategic Implementation of Short-Term Geometallurgical Practices for Effective Mine Planning in Andina Division Francisco Marín and Claudio Martínez, División Andina, Codelco, Chile
A Methodology for Developing Predictive Geometallurgical Models (PGMs) for Production Planning. Case Study for an Existing Copper Concentrator Oscar Alruiz, ACSPA, Chile; Marco Alfaro, Independent Consultant, Chile
Session 11: Process Control in Flotation
Chair: Ignacio MolinaMoly-Cop, Chile
Data Analytics Application to Optimize the Automatic Operation Performance of Column Cells Jordan Capa, Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde, Peru
Utilizing Artificial Intelligence and Genetic Algorithms for Modeling Flotation Behavior in Columnar Cells Mario Gatica, Cristian González and Carlos Hewitt,, Chile
Validity of Flowmeter Data towards Mining 4.0 Nelson Barrientos, Pablo Parada and Francisco Diaz, Trazado Nuclear e Ingeniería, Chile
Operational Management Using KPI Trees for Copper Recovery in El Teniente Viviana Pavez, Constanza Carrasco and Katherine Salazar, División El Teniente, Codelco
Hydrolyzed Polyacrylamides-Molybdenite Interactions: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Luver Echeverry, Andrés Ramírez and Leopoldo Gutierrez, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Session 12: Geometallurgy Applied to Flotation and Iron Ores
Chair: Andrés RamirezUniversidad de Concepción, Chile
Geo-Metallurgical Study of Apatite Recovery from Iron Tailings Cassandra Contreras, TU Freiberg, Germany; Javiera Oliva, Luis Valderrama, Bruno Zazzali, Universidad de Atacama, Chile; Osvaldo Gómez, Compañía Minera del Pacífico, Chile
Geometallurgy of “Guias y Diseminado” Unit, Los Colorados Mine Paulina Salgado, Mina Los Colorados, Compañia Minera del Pacífico, Chile
Mine to Flotation Process Optimization at Chinalco Toromocho Operation Dai Fangrong, Dong Yang, Alfonso Muñoz, and Juan Prado, Minera Chinalco, Peru; Walter Valery, Eric Wang, Ben Bonfils, Erico Tabosa and Joyce Siong, Hatch, Australia; Roberto Valle and Claudia Plasencia, Hatch, Peru
Geometallurgical Behavior of IOA-Type Ore Occurrences in Dry Magnetic Concentration Plant Luis Pino and Osvaldo Gómez, Compañía Minera del Pacífico, Chile
Session 13: Comminution Optimization - Case Studies
Chair: Felipe ContrerasAnglo American, Chile
Day 3 Program Update
BHP Operating System Supporting SAG Milling Performance Improvements Juan Carlos Jarur and German Moraga, BHP, Chile; Jose Olivares, Francisco Ibarra, Cristian Aracena, Octavio Fuenzalida and Rodrigo Toro, Honeywell, Chile
Application of Statistical Tools to Increase the Throughput of the Salobo HPGR Circuit Leonardo Souza and Olegário Fernandes, Vale, Brazil
Industrial Case: Use and Calibration of SAG Mill Power Model from Molycop Tools By DEM Simulation Ignacio Molina and Arelys Manqueo, Moly-Cop, Chile; Guillermo Flores and Bayron Cayunao, Los Bronces, Anglo American, Chile
Stages of Commissioning and Start-up of Concentrator Plants Rodrigo Alvear and Patricio Muñoz, Ausenco, Chile
Session 14: Process Water Management in Selective Flotation
Chair: Sergio RiveraCentro de Investigación y Extensión Geo Minero Metalúrgico, Chile
Day 3 Program Update
Modeling the Effect of Surfactant Chemistry and Concentration on the Transport of Water in Flotation Systems José Martínez, Ignacio Ramos, Miguel Maldonado, Universidad de Santiago, Chile
Evaluation of a NaHS Loop Piping Circuit in a Molybdenum Flotation Plant by Means of Radiotracers Pablo Parada, Nelson Barrientos and Francisco Diaz, Trazado Nuclear e Ingeniería, Chile; Felipe Henriquez, Juan Velásquez and Daniel Rojas, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Modelling and Simulation of Solid-Liquid Separation Processes: from Process Design to Optimization Manuel González, Etienne Braak and Philippe Wavrer, Caspeo, France
Novel High Performance Reagent for Recovery of Sulfides, Tarnished Sulfides and Precious Metals from Challenging Ores Ricardo Rubio and Carmina Quintanar, Solvay, Chile
Session 15: Flotation Optimization - Case Studies
Chair: Paulina VallejosUniversidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
Hydrodynamic Studies to Improve the Flotation Process - Cerro Corona Case Study Ronald Diaz, Hyder Mamani and Ronald Tessen, Goldfields La Cima, Peru
Enhancement in Fines Recovery in Codelco´s Rougher Circuit through Hydrophobized Microsphere Carriers Alexis Campos, Mathiesen, Chile; Claudio Acuña, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile and Héctor Carreño, Codelco, Chile
Characterization of an Industrial Flotation Column Operated Under Different Superficial Gas Rates Camila Guajardo and Luis Vinnet, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile;  Felipe Henríquez and Christian Sanguinetti, Minera Los Pelambres, Chile
Flotation Mini Pilot Plant Leveraged by Digital Twin Development: A Contextual Geometallurgical Ore Characterization Approach Marco Vera and Italo Manzo, SGS, Chile
Session 16: Plant Reconciliation and Ore Control
Chair: Magin TorresConsultor en Procesamiento de Minerales, Chile
Mineralogical Variability, its Effect on the Rougher Recovery of Cu and the Opportunity to Optimize the Flotation Process, El Teniente Division, Codelco, Chile Verónica Mardones, Carolina Pérez and Carolina Becerra, División El Teniente, Codelco, Chile
Mineralogical Characterization of Clay Material and its Mining-Metallurgical Impacts at the Andina Division Francisca López, Universidad Mayor, Chile; Silvana Herrera and Francisco Marín, División Andina Codelco, Chile
Block Model Mineralogy Reconciliation with Monthly Compound: Rajo Sur Mine Case Study Manuel Salazar, Carolina Pérez, Verónica Mardones, Carolina Becerra, Paulina Schachter and Miguel Letelier, División El Teniente, Codelco, Chile; Jorge Ávila, Guiñez Ingeniería, Chile
Machine Learning as a Metallurgical Estimation Tool Javiera Salvo, Codelco, Chile; Francisco Soto and Ilse Morin, Empírica Consultores, Chile
Plenary Session 3
Chair: Carolina BecerraHead of Geometallurgy and Mineralogy Unit, División El Teniente, Codelco, Chile
High Resolution Geometallurgical Models Gonzalo Fuster, Geologist Resource Estimator, Minera Antucoya; Director of the Qualifying Commission for Competencies in Mineral Resources and Reserves, Chile
Water Challenges at Minera Los Pelambres and its Strategy to Overcome Them Alejandro Astudillo, Port Manager, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Optimization of Copper Recovery Models Using Machine Learning Algorithms Antonio Candia, Senior Metallurgist, Minera Centinela, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Session 17: Value Chain Optimization
Chair: Christiam VásquezCompañía Minera Antamina, Peru
Evaluate the Impact of Comminution Flowsheet Configuration Variation on Process Performance Using an Integrated Value Chain Flowsheet Eiman Amini, Maruf Hassan, Edwin Koh, Ely Loayza, Orica Solutions, Australia; Javiera Bolados, Glencore, Australia
An Enhanced Model to Predict the Power Draw in Tumbling Mills Roddy Valle, FLSmidth, Peru
Sustainable Mine-To-Plant in The Age of Digital Mining Jair Alarcon, Orica, Chile; Angelo Labriola and Nick Beaton, Orica, Australia
Session 18: Novel Technologies Applied to Flotation
Chair: Brian TownleyProfesor Asociado, Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Chile
Industrial Demonstration of Coarse Particle Flotation at Rio Tinto Kennecott Andrew Hobert and Erich Dohm, Eriez Flotation, USA; Ray Van Wagoner and Taylor Bird, Rio Tinto, USA
Improvement in Mineral Separation Efficiency Through Reflux Flotation Cell Swadhin Saurabh and Lance Christodoulou, FLSmidth, USA
Determination of Flotation Tests Variation in Blast-Hole Samples Compared to Tests in Diamond Drill Core Samples at El Teniente Mine Francisco Guerrero, Universidad Católica del Norte,Chile; Manuel Salazar, División El Teniente, Codelco, Chile
Closing Ceremony and Farewell Toast
Conference Balance and Final Comments
Mimy Mackenzie, Conference Manager, Gecamin, Chile
Magin Torres, Procemin-Geomet 2023 Program Director, Consultant in Mineral Processing, Chile
Leopoldo Gutierrez, Procemin-Geomet 2023 Co-Organizer; Professor, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Dennis Vega, Procemin-Geomet 2023 Co-Organizer; Senior Investigator, SMI-ICE-Chile
Claudio Muñoz, Procemin-Geomet 2023 Chair, BOS Global Practice Lead, BHP, Australia
Poster Session
Characterization and Surface Physicochemistry of Phosphate Rock for its Wet Concentration Sara Barroso, Néstor Rojas and Daniel Zea, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Study of Copper Dissolution from Tailings Using Different Deep Eutectic Solvents
Leia Contreras and Pía Hernández, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Comparative Study of Simulations for a Primary Crushing Stage Using Web-based Tools Cristian Álvarez, Universidad de Chile
Development of a Tool for Sizing and Scale-Up of a Rougher Flotation Cell Bank Basedon Laboratory Testwork Results Alex Rey, Universidad de Chile
Development of a Spreadsheet-Based Simulation Tool for Crushing Plants Roberto Acuña and Sebastián Díaz, Universidad de Chile
HPGR Model Calibration using the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm Sebastián Samur and María Ignacia Fernández, Universidad de Chile
Development of a Simulation Tool for Performance Assessment in a Blasting-SAG Grinding Operation Diego Cortéz and Catalina Ramírez, Universidad de Chile
Development of a Spreadsheet Simulator for HPGR Circuit Analysis Constanza Pamiez and Boris Calbul, Universidad de Chile
Evaluation of the Use of Polymeric Nanoparticles as a Collector of Chalcopyrite in the Presence of Clays Nicolás Merino, Universidad de Talca, Chile
Modeling of Mineralization Styles of Cu Sulfides in Rio Blanco Deposit and its Impact on Cu Recovery Nicolás Cabello, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile
Unlocking the Secrets of Mineral Breakage by Nanoindentation Carolina Carvajal, Karina Barbosa and Marko Hilden, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, Chile
Mineral Liberation Analysis from a Non-Random Franture Modelling Javier Jerez, Gonzalo Díaz and Pia Lois-Morales, Universidad de Chile
Determination of Flotation Tests Variation in Blast-Hole Samples Compared to Tests in Diamond Drill Core Samples at El Teniente Mine Francisco Guerrero, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile; Manuel Salazar, División El Teniente, Codelco, Chile