Session 9: Geometallurgical Case Studies and Industrial Practices
Updating the Collahuasi Throughput Model for the Upcoming Company Growth
Eduardo Cortes, Javier Vargas, Francisco Melo, Cía. Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi, Chile; Luis Magne, Gilda Titichoca and Guillermo Vargas, LMagne Ingeniería, Chile
Review and Upgrade of the Throughput Forecast Model of Minera Los Pelambres
Francisco Abbott, Liduvina Rodriguez, Michel Morales, Minera los Pelambres; Chile; Walter Valery, Benjamin Bonfils, Kristy-Ann Duffy, Hatch, Australia; Roberto Valle, Claudia Plasencia, Hatch, Peru; and Rodrigo Hayashida, Hatch, Brazil
Mineralogical Characterization as a Support Tool for the Operation of Concentrator Plants at El Teniente Division, Codelco
Carolina Pérez, Carolina Becerra, El Teniente Division, Codelco, Chile; and Jorge Ávila, Guiñez Ingeniería, El Teniente Division, Codelco, Chile.
Improving Accuracy in Plant Performance Forecasting through Block Model Redefinition
Oscar Olvera, Connor Meinke, Rajiv Chandramohan, Paloma Pereira and Logan Phillips, Ausenco, Canada
Rosario Waste Dump Geochemistry: Material Characterization and its Acid Rock Drainage Potential
Rodrigo Alarcón, Nicolás Ferrada, Luciano Achurra, David Arcos, Amphos 21 Consulting, Chile; and Cristian Burgoa, Cía. Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi, Chile
Redefining Geometallurgical Estimation Domains at Minera Los Pelambres
Felipe Ibarra and Fernando Rojas, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile