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Time Zone: Santiago, Chile. UTC-4
Technical Course 1
Who Decides? A participatory learning activity Conducted by Centro de Minería, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile; in collaboration with the University of British Columbia, Canada, and Sazani Associates, UK
Technical Course 2
Energy Transition and the Life Cycle of Critical Metals

Taught by Professor Dr. Ir. Eric Pirard, University of Liege, Belgium; and Professor Dr. Ir. Sandra Belboom, Helmo University of Applied Sciences, Belgium

Inaugural Ceremony
Words of Welcome

Mimy Mackenzie, Conferences and Publications Manager, Gecamin, Chile
Juan Palma, Academic, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
Eric Pirard, Full Professor, University of Liège, Belgium
Amparo Cornejo, Sustainable Mining 2021 Chair; and VP Sustainability and Corporate Affairs, Teck Resources, Chile

Plenary Session 1
Chair: Jacques Wiertz, Academic, Universidad de Chile
(ENG) Social Performance - Mission Critical? Hanna Clayton, Manager, Social Performance and Human Rights, ICMM, UK
(SPA) Sustainable Mining: When Doing it Right is not Enough Amparo Cornejo, VP Sustainability and Corporate Affairs, Teck Resources, Chile
Virtual Welcome Reception
Take a seat to join the virtual tables –limited seating available– for a real and effective networking experience
Plenary Session 2
Chair: Herman Urrejola, Director of Social Management and Communities, Teck Resources, Chile
(ENG) Mining and Indigenous Peoples Rights Joan Carling, Executive Director of the Indigenous Peoples Rights International
(ENG) Deep Sea Polymetallic Nodules: Diversification of Supply Chris Duhayon, R&D Metallurgical Manager, Global Sea Mineral Resources, Belgium
Live Roundtable

For a full virtual experience join the Live Roundtables where authors will be answering questions and you can also exchange experiences and points of view with authors and other participants

Roundtable A: Managing Sustainability in Mining

Chair: Víctor Pérez, Director de Minería Verde, Corporación Alta Ley, Chile

Authors from the following sessions will be at this Roundtable:
Session 1: Mining sustainability - Policy and Governance
Session 2: Measuring and reporting sustainability.


Arie-Johann Heiertz, RWE Technology International, Germany  
Gerald Ouellette, Queen’s University, Canada 
Jennifer Broadhurst, University of Cape Town, South Africa 
Thandazile Moyo, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Norman Gridley and Sarah Gordon, Satarla, UK 
Catalina Necochea, Teck Resources, Chile 
Bulgan Batdorj, University of British Columbia, Canada
Francisco Raunelli, Consorcio de Universidades, Peru 
Alejandro Santis, Teck Resources, Chile 
Patricio Soto, Hexagon, Chile

Chair: Mauro Valdés, Presidente, Dinámica Plataforma, Chile
Traceability and Sustainability Indicators: Measuring and Reporting
Introductory Presentations
Hillary Amster, Director of Assurance and Impact, The Copper Mark 
Javier Silva, Contract Administration Manager and Sustainability Management, SQM
Hillary Amster, Director of Assurance and Impact, The Copper Mark, USA
Aimee Boulanger, Executive Director, Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance, IRMA, USA
Doug Brown, VP Corporate Affairs, Teck Resources, Canada
Javier Silva, Contract Administration Manager and Sustainability Management, SQM, Chile
Viviana Domínguez, Senior Environmental Engineer, Minera El Abra, Freeport-McMoran, Chile
Virtual Coffee Break
Take a seat to join the virtual tables –limited seating available– for a real and effective networking experience
Live Simultaneous Roundtables

For a full virtual experience join the Live Roundtables where authors will be answering questions and you can also exchange experiences and points of view with authors and other participants

Roundtable B: Environmental Impacts Prediction, Prevention, Control and Ecosystem Conservation

Chair: Pablo Pisani, Gerente de Sustentabilidad, SQM, Chile

Authors from the following sessions will be at this Roundtable:
Session 5: Prediction, prevention and control of environmental impacts
Session 6: Ecosystem and biodiversity conservation.


Martin Slooijer
, GreenSoil Group, Netherlands 
Salvador Quezada, Universidad de Chile 
Patricio Olivares, Ausenco, Chile; and Paulette San Martín, Albemarle, Chile 
Miguel Velásquez, Ausenco, Peru 
Luis Sánchez, University of São Paulo, Brazil 
Marcelo Zepeda and Jacqueline Heraldo, Teck Resources, Chile 
Ximena Retamal and Paulina Puentes, Teck Resources, Chile 
Ernesto Vásquez, Teck Resources, Chile (TBC) 
Héctor Ruiz, Serpram, Chile 
Juan Ignacio Guzmán, Gestión y Economía Minera, Chile 
Corrado Toré, SQM, Chile

Roundtable C: Community Development and Participation

Chair: Marcela Sepúlveda, Gerenta Desempeño Social, Candelaria, Lundin Mining, Chile

Authors from the following sessions will be at this Roundtable:
Session 9: Prior consultation, inclusive dialogue and participation in decisions
Session 10: Social investment, community development and collective impact


Ignacio Garrido
, BHP, Chile
Luanna Di Guimarães and Julia Di Tullio, Arcadis, Brazil
Bárbara Altivo, Kinross Gold Corporation, Brazil
Matías Aylwin, Compañía Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi, Chile (TBC)
María Caqueo, Compañía Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi, Chile 
Macarena Cuevas, Compañía Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi, Chile
Sergio González, Anglo American, Peru
Yuri Rojo, Clúster Minero, Chile
Roberto Riffo, Teck Resources, Chile
Paulo Barraza, Teck Resources, Chile (TBC)
Pablo Vásquez, Teck Resources, Chile
Daniela Ibáñez and Cristian Berríos, Teck Resources, Chile
Marcela Sepúlveda, Minera Candelaria, Lundin Mining, Chile 
Viviane Pisano, University Center of FEI, Brazil
Juan Ladrón de Guevara, Teck Resources, Chile
José Moreno, Manuel Zamora e Ignacio Mehech, Albemarle, Chile


For a full virtual experience join the Live Roundtables where authors will be answering questions and you can also exchange experiences and points of view with authors and other participants

Roundtable D: Human Rights, Environmental and Cultural Heritage

Chair: Norman Gridley, Associate, Satarla, UK

Authors from the following sessions will be at this Roundtable:
Session 11: Human rights and social due diligence 
Session 12: Environmental and cultural heritage


Suzana Barbosa
, Arcadis, Brazil
Tiago Alves, Anglo American, Brazil 
Mike Katz, Mineral Development Consultant, Australia
Fabio Abdala, Alcoa, Brazil
Sebastián Ibacache, Teck Resources, Chile (TBC)
Ángela Ventura, Teck Resources, Chile
Selva Bravo, Teck Resources, Chile (TBC)

Roundtable E: Climate change - Conservation and Adaptation

Chair: Pamela Valenzuela, Académica, Centro de Minería, PUCV, Chile

Authors from the following sessions will be at this Roundtable:
Session 7: Energy eficiency and carbon footprint
Session 8: Climate change: vulnerability and adaptation


Dimitri Dionizis
, Universidad de Chile
Salvador Quezada, Universidad de Chile
Hans Allendes, Black & Veatch, Chile
Johannes Gediga, Sphera Solutions, Germany (TBC)
Jorge Bravo, Minera Candelaria, Lundin Mining, Chile (TBC)
Tatiana Aguilar, Ministerio de Minas y Energía, Colombia; and Patricia Dávila, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Colombia (TBC)
Mauricio Gómez, Siemens, Chile
Diego Valdivia, Siemens, Chile (TBC)

Live Roundtable

For a full virtual experience join the Live Roundtables where authors will be answering questions and you can also exchange experiences and points of view with authors and other participants.

Roundtable F: Environmental Management along LOM

Chair: Andrés López, Environment Manager, Ausenco, Chile

Authors from the following sessions will be at this Roundtable:
Session 3: Mine waste management
Session 4: Mine closure, rehabilitation and remediation


Claudia Ortiz
, Universidad de Santiago, Chile
Anna Littleboy, University of Queensland, Australia (TBC)
Angelica Monti and Sérgio Moreno, Engenharia de Proteção Ambiental, Brazil; and Sérgio Veríssimo, GreenSoil Group, Brazil
Mario Goto, Vale, Brazil; and Celso Magalhães, Go Tratch Ambiental, Brazil 
Edelink Tinoco, Nexa Resources, Peru
Osvaldo Aduvire, SRK Consulting, Peru
Silmara Silva, Kinross Gold Corporation, Brazil
José Valle, Ausenco, Peru
Rodrigo Barraza, Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile (TBC)
Tayane Castilho, Vale, Brazil (TBC)
Rezki Syahrir, University of Exeter, UK
Luis Sánchez, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Plenary Session 3
Chair: Doina Priscu, Principal Engineeer Mining Environment, Priscu and Associates Consulting Engineers, Canada
(ENG) Urban Mines: The New Quest for Metals Eric Pirard, Professor, University of Liège, Belgium
(ENG) Green & Sustainable Mining Linda Wrong, Global General Manager Corporate Environment, Glencore, Switzerland
Congress Balance and Final Comments

Mimy Mackenzie, Conferences and Publications Manager, Gecamin, Chile
Jacques Wiertz, Technical Director Sustainable Mining 2021, Universidad de Chile
Amparo CornejoSustainable Mining 2021 Chair; and VP Sustainability and Corporate Affairs, Teck Resources, Chile

Virtual Farewell Coffee
Take a seat to join the virtual tables –limited seating available– for a real and effective networking experience