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Time Zone: Santiago, Chile. UTC - 4
Technical Course 1
Fundamentals of Tailings Geotechnics
Conducted by TAILENG, USA


Jorge Macedo, Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Chris Bareither, Associate Professor, Colorado State University, USA
Jonathan Bray, Professor, University of California Berkeley, USA
Scott Olson, Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
Technical Course 2
Integrating Seismic Hazard, Performance and Monitoring of Tailings Deposits

Conducted by Advanced Mining Technology Center (AMTC), Universidad de Chile


Diana Comte, Professor, AMTC, Universidad de Chile
César Pastén, Professor, AMTC, Universidad de Chile
Roberto Gesche, Professor, AMTC, Universidad de Chile  

Technical Course 3
Myths and Realities of Tailings Dewatering Conducted by the Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Canada

Moderator: Caius Priscu, Adjunct Professor, Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Canada


Kate Patterson, Associate, Tailings and Water Resources Engineer, Klohn Crippen Berger, Canada
Rachel Jensen, Senior Process Engineer, Paterson & Cooke, USA
Guillaume Tremblay, Tailings & Dam Engineer, Rio Tinto, Canada
Michael Davies, Senior Advisor, Teck Resources, Canada
John Lupo, Senior Director, Newmont Mining, USA
Inaugural Ceremony
Words of Welcome
Mimy Mackenzie, Conference Manager, Gecamin, Chile
César Pastén, Tailings 2021 Co-organizer; Academic, Academic, AMTC, Universidad de Chile
Caius Priscu, Tailings 2021 Co-organizer; Adjunct Professor, Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Canada
Michael Henderson, Tailings 2021 Co-organizer; Director, Tailings Center of Excellence, Colorado School of Mines, USA
Jorge Macedo, Tailings 2021 Co-organizer; Chair of TAILENG, USA
Tamara Johndrow, Tailings 2021 Chair, Director Tailings & Water, Freeport-McMoRan, USA
Plenary Session 1
Chair: Johan Boshoff, Group Head of Tailings, Gold Fields, Australia
Freeport's Tailings Stewardship and Management Program: A 16-Year Evolution

Tamara Johndrow, Tailings 2021 Chair, Director Tailings & Water, Freeport-McMoRan, USA

Teck Resources Tailings Governance Program - Roots, Formation, Journey of Incorporating External Expectations: Defining Roles, Responsibilities and Maintaining Key Resources Michael Davies, Senior Advisor, Teck Resources, Canada
Discussion Panel - Standards, Governance and Tailings Management
Chair: Johan Boshoff, Group Head of Tailings, Gold Fields, Australia

Briana Gunn, Group Executive, Environment, Newmont Mining, USA
Chris Anderson, Manager Tailings & Mine Waste, Teck Resources, Canada
Ursula Weber, Social Development and Communities Manager, Anglo American, Chile 
Virtual Networking Meeting

Take a seat at the virtual tables to do a real and effective networking

Take a seat at the virtual tables - limited seating- to do a real and effective networking
Plenary Session 2
Chair: Luis Valenzuela, Consulting Engineer, Chile
Alternatives Analysis to Aid Operators in Decision Making Charles Dumaresq, Vice President, Science and Environmental Management, Mining Association of Canada
Incorporating Risk and Uncertainty Analysis in Design, Construction, and Operational Decision Making and Communicating Performance Outcomes Effectively Angela Kupper, Director and Principal Geotechnical Engineer, BGC Engineering, Canada 
Live Roundtable

For a full virtual experience join the Live Roundtables where authors will be answering questions and you can also exchange experiences and points of view with authors and other participants

Roundtable A: Hydraulics, Seepage and Water Management

: Silvana Dal Pozzo, Tailings Consultant, Arcadis, Chile

Authors from Session 3 "Hydraulics, Seepage and Water Management" will be at this Roundtable

Stefan Groenheide, Royal IHC, Netherlands
Guido Villamil, Royal IHC, Colombia
Víctor Bretas, Hydro, Brazil
Patricia Da Silva, Hydro, Brazil
Mauro Filho, Hydro, Brazil
Gustavo Calle, Wood, Chile
Lenie Gajardo, Caserones, SCM Mining Lumina Copper, Chile
Luis Rojas, Caserones, SCM Mining Lumina Copper, Chile
Discussion Panel
Chair: Michael Davies, Senior Advisor, Teck Resources, Canada
Discussion Panel: Tailings Professionals Capacity: Quantifying and Addressing the Supply - Demand Gap

Introductory Presentation
Alice Evans, Senior Programme Officer – Tailings Lead, ICMM, UK 
Katie Kruger, Manager Tailings, Crushed Leach and Water, Freeport-McMoRan, USA 
John Wates, Executive Chairman of the Board, Fraser Alexander, South Africa  
Caius Priscu, Adjunct Professor at UBC and Consultant, Canada 
Mary-Jane Piggott, Regional Manager, North America Mining Environmental, Klohn Crippen Berger, Canada 
David Machin, Tailings Strategy Senior Manager, Antamina, Peru
Virtual Networking Meeting
Take a seat to join the virtual tables –limited seating available– for a real and effective networking experience
Live Simultaneous Roundtables

For a full virtual experience join the Live Roundtables where authors will be answering questions and you can also exchange experiences and points of view with authors and other participants

Roundtable B: Rheology and Chemical Aspects
Chair: Ricardo Jeldrés, Academic, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile

Authors from Session 4 "Rheology and Chemical Aspects" will be at this Roundtable

Víctor Bretas, Hydro, Brazil
Osvaldo Aduvire, SRK Consulting, Peru
Héctor Zúñiga, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
Catalina López-Espejo, Universidad de Chile
Álvaro Vergara, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
Laura Leite, DF+ Engineering, Brazil
Guilherme Ribeiro, DF+ Engineering, Brazil
Claudio Román, Ausenco, Chile
Francisco Scheihing, Ausenco, Chile
Jorge Casanova, SHIMIN Ingeniería, Chile
Constanza Díaz, SHIMIN Ingeniería, Chile
Roundtable C: Conventional, Thickened, Paste and Filtered Tailings Studies
Chair: Carlos Vilches, Tailings Development and Standardization Corporate Director, Codelco, Chile

Authors from Session 5 "Conventional, Thickened, Paste and Filtered Tailings Studies" will be at this Roundtable

Jerold Johnson, WesTech Engineering, USA
Sally Moodie, BHP, Australia
Nathalia Costa, Clariant , Brazil
Édgar Quiroz, Stantec, Peru
Arash Roshdieh, ATC Williams, Australia
Jürgen Hahn, Bokela, Germany
Luciano Souza, DF+ Engineering, Brazil
Pamela Garrido, CIMS JRI, Chile
William Montes, CIMS JRI, Chile
Fabián Olea, Universidad de Chile
Live Simultaneous Roundtables

For a full virtual experience join the Live Roundtables where authors will be answering questions and you can also exchange experiences and points of view with authors and other participants

Roundtable D: Technologies and Instrumentation for Monitoring and Surveillance
Chair: César Pastén, Academic, AMTC, Universidad de Chile

Authors from Session 6 "Technologies and Instrumentation for Monitoring and Surveillance" will be at this Roundtable

Tjaart de Wit, Institute of Mine Seismology, Australia
Gemma Bullard, BGC Engineering, Canada
Greta Tresoldi, LSI Lastem, Italy
Fernando Pérez, Worldsensing SL, Spain
Jasna Zúñiga, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
Zara Anderson, Silixa, Canada
Serena Moretto, NHAZCA, Italy
Raul Mollehuara, University of Oulu, Finland
Karla Pimentel, Vale, Brazil
Leopoldo Córdova, Geosinergia Ingeniería y Medio Ambiente, Chile
Mark Schmelter, Freeport-McMoRan, USA
Roundtable E: Dam Safety, Governance and Operational Experiences
Chair: Tim Gardner, Tailings Manager, Anglo American, Chile  

Authors from Session 7 "Dam Safety, Governance and Operational Experiences" will be at this Roundtable

Juan Rayo, JRI, Chile
César Oboni, Riskope, Canada
Marcelo Mussé, Netke Global, Chile
Siduduzo Dladla, Fraser Alexander, South Africa
Emilio López, Nava Consulting, Chile
Gail Riddell, Nava Consulting, Chile
Diana Comte, Universidad de Chile
Ranjiv Gupta, Freeport McMoRan, USA
Louise McNab, Gold Fields, Australia
Carlos Vilches, Codelco, Chile
René Orellana, Codelco, Chile
Denis Parraguez, Compañía Minera del Pacífico, Chile
Isabel Morales, Compañía Minera del Pacífico, Chile
Live Roundtable

For a full virtual experience join the Live Roundtables where authors will be answering questions and you can also exchange experiences and points of view with authors and other participants

Roundtable F: Geotechnics

Chair: Jorge Macedo, Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Authors from the following sessions will be at this Roundtable:
Session 1: Geotechnics I
Session 2: Geotechnics II

Cristian Erazo, Ausenco, Peru
Peter Banzhaf, BAUER Spezialtiefbau, Germany
Víctor Bretas, Hydro, Brazil
Nicolás González, Tierra Armada, Chile
Camilo Morales, SRK Consulting, Chile
Reinaldo García, Hydronia, USA
Flávia Padovani, BVP Engineering, Brazil (TBC)
Kyle Smith, Golder, Australia
Matheus Muniz, Vale, Brazil
Ian Paes, DF+ Engineering, Brazil
Zygi Zurakowski, Stantec, USA
Brahian Román, University of Applied Science, Peru
David Reid, The University of Western Australia
Luis Vergaray, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Gino Calderón, Vale, Brazil
Diego Silva, Skava Consulting, Chile
Nicolás Úbeda, Golder, Chile
Francisco Vera, Gold Fields, Chile
Plenary Session 3
Chair: Mauricio Abdallah, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Wood, Chile
National Plan of Tailings Deposits for Sustainable Mining Eduardo Zuñiga, Head of the Project Management Department, Ministry of Mining, Chile
Implementing 248 and GISTM in Codelco Chile René Orellana, Tailings Corporate Manager, Codelco, Chile
Changes to Chilean TSF design + Operation Over the Years Luis Valenzuela, Consulting Engineer, Chile 
Short Discussion - Questions and Answers for the Plenaries speakers
Conference Balance and Final Comments
-Mimy Mackenzie, Conference Manager, Gecamin, Chile
-Hugo Quelopana, Tailings 2021 Program Director, Project Manager - Specialist Engineer, Delfing, Chile
-Tamara Johndrow, Tailings 2021 Chair, Director Tailings & Water, Freeport-McMoRan, USA
Virtual Networking Meeting
Take a seat at the virtual tables - limited seating- to do a real and effective networking