Session 4: Chemical Stability of Mine Wastes
(ENG) Ion Exchange Resistant GCLs for Exposed Liners and Capping for Mine Closure
Michael Donovan, Minerals Technologies, USA; and Dennis Wind and Barbara Gebka, CETCO, USA
(SPA) Waste Rock Dumps and Tailings Facility Cover Depth Definition Using Numerical Models
Fernanda Baladrón, Kevin Vidal, José Miguel Espinoza and Arnaldo Santander, Golder, Chile; and Gabriel López, Minera Alumbrera, Glencore, Argentina
(ENG) Reducing Uncertainties of Coverage Systems for Mine Waste Closure: Design and Modelling
Carla Gonçalves, Luanna Di Guimarães, Lucas Fonseca and Karin Formigoni, Arcadis, Brazil; and Mauricio Gómez, Arcadis, Chile
(SPA) Challenges of Chemical Stability Analysis for Mine Closure
May-Lin Almendras and Carolina Gómez, Arcadis, Chile
(SPA) Use of Mineral Resource Estimation Methods for NAG/PAG Waste-Rock Material Management
Óscar Benavente, Joled Nur and Lilian Valdebenito, SRK Consulting, Chile; and Francois Swanepoel and Yerko Delgado, Salares Norte, Gold Fields, Chile
(SPA) Pilot-Scale Experiments of Waste Rock Cover Systems to Support Mine Closure Planning
Sheyla Palomino, Pablo Quesada, Alonso Huamán, Mariel Samanez, Melitza Cornejo-La Torre, Miguel Mendoza and Eduard Ruiz, Amphos 21, Peru; and María Medina and José Ruiz, Independent Mining Consultant, Peru
Session 6: Mine Closure, Good Practices and Case Studies
(ENG) Globe Progress Pit Closure Planning
Stephanie Hayton, Duncan Ross, Jeff Nyenhuis and Megan Williams, OceanaGold, New Zealand; Luke Matheson, PDP, New Zealand; Calvin Wu, Engineering Geology, New Zealand; and Will Olds and Paul Weber, Mine Waste Management, New Zealand
(ENG) Innovative Passive Mine Water Treatment Case Studies
Ryan Schipper, Golder, Peru; and Eric Blumenstein, Neal Gallagher and Paige Pruisner, Golder, USA
(ENG) Passive Treatment for Elevated Iron and Arsenic in Circum - Neutral Mine Affected Water
Stephanie Hayton, Duncan Ross, Jeff Nyenhuis, Megan Williams and Mark Clarke, OceanaGold, New Zealand; Dave Trumm, Verum Group, New Zealand; Will Olds and Paul Weber, Mine Waste Management, New Zealand; and Travis Horton, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
(ENG) Recovery of Byproducts from Pit Lake Waters
John Schubert, Chloe Grabowski and Julie Horan, HDR, USA; and Sriram Ananthanarayan, BHP, USA
(ENG) Mine Closure - Special Civil Engineering for Effective and Permanent Closure of Mines
Peter Banzhaf, BAUER Spezialtiefbau, Germany
Session 8: Post-Closure, Monitoring and Maintenance
(ENG) Satellite InSAR Applications for Long-Term Displacement Monitoring of Closed Sites
Jonas von Ruette, Jaime Corredor and David Holden, 3vGeomatics, Canada
(SPA) Evaluation of the Terrestrial Vegetation Bioaccumulative Effect on the Trifolium Repens "Clover" and Calamagrostis Sp. "Ichu" Species in Abandoned Mining Areas
Lizardo Cahuana and Osvaldo Aduvire, SRK Consulting, Peru
(ENG) Assessment of the Erosional Performance of a Semi-Arid Rehabilitated Mine Site and Development of a Predictive Model
Jon Pelletier and Nathan Abramson, University of Arizona, USA; Terry Braun, David Ludwick and Rahul Peroor, SRK Consulting, USA; Satya Chataut, BHP, USA; and Evan Howard, Landloch Pty, Australia
(ENG) Developing Geomorphic Design Guidelines for Closure Landforms at the Mount Polley Mine
James Ogilvie, Rowland Atkins and Katy de Rego, Golder, Canada; and Gabriel Holmes, Mount Polley Mining Corporation, Canada
Session 10: Economic Evaluation and Funding Of Closure Plans
(ENG) Importance of Asset Closure Planning in the Long-Term Viability of a Mining Business
Jussara Januário and Fabiano Mendanha, Vale, Brazil
(SPA) Review of Financial aspects of Chile´s Mine Closure Law: Challenges and Proposals
Jorge Brower, Paulina Riquelme and Ignacio Funes, Eelaw, Chile