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Available from Monday, December 14 at 08:00 AM (UTC-3)
Session 1: Information Technology and Optimization Systems
(SPA) HP-GPS Signal Availability for High Precision Positioning Gabriel Ibarra, Eleazar Quiñimil and Martín Toro, Geocom, Chile
(SPA) Improved Data Integrity of Truck Fleet at Minera Los Pelambres Ricardo Cerna, Modular Mining Systems, Chile and Raúl Muñoz, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(SPA) Improved Refuelling Assignment based on Multiple Fitted Fuel Level Models for Komatsu's 930E EDT Matías Benavides, Angelo Hermosilla and Diego Cáceres, Komatsu, Chile
(SPA) Adaptation of Technologies for Massive Mining in Medium Mining Deposits Herman Aguirre, Camborne School of Mines, England; Carolina Landaeta and Juan Pablo Aylwin, Mining TAG, Chile
(SPA) Micro Grids and Operational Excellence in Open-Pit Mine Power Distribution Systems Luis Moran, Daniel Sbarbaro, José Espinoza and Rubén Peña, Universidad de Concepción, Chile, and Nesimi Ertugrul, University of Adelaide, Australia
(SPA) Identification of Critical Operational Parameters in Truck Performance through Bayesian Networks at Los Bronces Mine

Paula Callejas, Los Bronces Division, Anglo American and Universidad de Chile; Cristóbal Mimica, Los Bronces Division, Anglo American and Luis Orellana, Universidad de Chile

Session 2: Process Improvement and Technology Innovation I
(SPA) Knowledge Management in Projects and Operations through Digital Transformation Johan Cabezas and Pedro Bussacos, Hexagon PPM South America, Chile
(SPA) Integration of Innovation and Operational Excellence Models: Antofagasta Minerals Experience Nury Briceño, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile; Laura Mottola, Flow Partners, Canada; Moureen Valdes and Hipólito Escalona, Genesis Partners, Chile
(SPA) Innovation, Development and Implementation of New Technologies Applied at National Mining Cristian Zamorano, Fernanda Vera, Sergio Correa and Cristian Garrido, Fluor, Chile
(SPA) Ceramic Copper Filtration Filtering Cost Reduction at Los Pelambres´s Port Julio Aravena, Diego Palma and Cristian Nanjarí, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(SPA) Improvement to the Sizing of Compressed Air Supplying Network Metodology in Mining Operations at High Altitude Luis Sánchez and José Ramos, Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología, Peru; Luiggi Sassarini, ETM Soluciones SAC, Peru
(SPA) Complex Dynamic Systems for Modeling of Mining Planning Leonardo Lavanderos, Fidel Lagos, Eduardo Fiol  and Miguel Romero, Corporación SINTESYS, Chile
Session 3: Lean Production
(SPA) Lean Construction Applied to Underground Mine Development Carmen Vega, El Teniente Division, Codelco, Chile; Carolina Aliaga, Codelco, Chile; Luis López, McKinsey, Colombia, and Borja Olazabal, McKinsey, Spain
(SPA) Classification of Haul Truck’s Spotting Time on Shovel Double Spot Loading Pattern Sebastián Seria, Daniel González and Diego Cáceres, Komatsu, Chile
(SPA) Operational Experience of Autonomous Hauling System at Gabriela Mistral Division, Codelco Diego Quezada, Gabriela Mistral Division, Codelco, Chile. Presented by Sibila Valdés
(SPA) Lean Strategy Deployment at Molymet: On the Journey to Lean Transformation
Edgar Pape, Molymet, Chile and Laura Mottola, Flow Partners, Canada
(SPA) Lean Transformation at MolymetNos
Ricardo Araya and Oscar Ley, MolymetNos, Chile; Diego Zamorano and Laura Mottola, Flow Partners, Chile and Canada
(SPA) Increasing Value in MMM Projects: Successful Cases Combining Agile and Value Engineering
Jérémie Goulevitch, Iván Vargas, Cesar Tramon and Gonzalo Caro, Vice-presidency of Projects, Codelco, Chile
Session 4: Process Improvement and Technology Innovation II
(SPA) AMSA Operating Model as an Enabler of Operational Excellence at Minera Los Pelambres Oliver Hamann and Benjamin Pieper, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile and Alexander Kleinert, AKonsulting, Chile. Presented by Andrea Fuentes
(SPA) Efficiency Optimization of Copper Concentrate Filtering at Los Pelambres´s Port Julio Aravena, Diego Palma and Cristian Nanjarí, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(SPA) Development of High-Efficiency Electric Machinery for Mining Industry at University of Concepcion Juan Tapia, Ruben Peña, Rogel Wallace, Nicolás Reyes, Alvaro Hoffer and Silvia Riquelme, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
(SPA) Integral Optimization Strategy for Grinding Liners at Minera Los Pelambres Javier Morales, Aldo Badilla and Oliver Hamann, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(ENG) Process Improvement through On-Line Detection of Abnormal Cyclones Using PST Technology
Jaime Sepúlveda, J-Consultants, Chile and Robert Maron, CIDRA Minerals Processing, USA 
(SPA) Starting the Agile Way: Scrum Implementation Pilot Project for Value Engineering, Andes Norte Project
María Cristina Vallejos and Mauricio González, Vice-presidency of Projects, Codelco, Chile
Session 5: Human Capital and Knowledge Management
(SPA) Discovering the Value of the Data, using AI to Predict the Performance of the Final Candidates Juan Romero and Francisco Rojas, Copper Division, Anglo American, Chile
(SPA) Smart Mining Coach: Big Data and Intelligent Technology to Leverage People’s Performance
Álvaro Díaz, Loreto Acevedo, Guadalupe Sánchez and José Cárdenas
Indimin, Chile
(SPA) Organizational Warping in the Transition and Interaction Process between Open Pit and Underground Mining. The Sommelier Model Leonardo Lavanderos, Ramón Morales and Abelardo Araya, Corporación SINTESYS, Chile
Session 6: Health, Safety and Environment
(SPA) Optimization of Solid Waste Management in Mining Operations, based on a Materials Flow Analysis and Eco-Efficiency Indicators Joachim Vogdt, Grupo IASA, Chile; Andrés López, Wood, Chile, and Roxana Powell, Enbuco, Australia
(SPA) Towards a Circular Economy: Methodology to Develop and Implement Solid Waste Management in Mining Andrés López, Paula Fortin and Walter Noack, Wood, Chile, and Joachim Vogdt, Grupo IASA, Chile
(SPA) GEOSYS (Rock Mechanic Management System) Licette Sánchez and Angel Cárdenas, Nexa Resources, Peru
(ENG) The Role of Senior Leadership in the Process of Improving Maturity in a Safety Culture Antonio Rivero, SMI-ICE, University of Queensland, Chile, and Carmel Bofinger, MISHC, SMI, University of Queensland, Australia
(SPA) Operational Excellence Applied to COVID-19 Pandemic in Chuquicamata
Gonzalo Compan, Yiuyion Chan, Tomás Ferrer and René Galleguillos, Chuquicamata Division, Codelco, Chile
Session 7: Process Improvement and Technology Innovation III
(SPA) Electromobility in Underground Mining: Towards Zero Emissions. Past, Present and Future Andrzej Zablocki, Epiroc, Chile
(SPA) Innovating Through the Relay Team and Flexible Work to Improve the Trucks Utilization Jonifer Quillatupa, Rodrigo Díaz and Natalie Messer, Minera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(SPA) Optimization Drilling Efficiency at Los Pelambres Fabián Ortega, Milka Casanegra, Diego Palma and Manuel Medina, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(SPA) Predictive System for Performance and Detection of Anomalies in Fuel Consumption of High-Tonnage Mining Truck Cristian Araya, Wilson Lara, Diego Palma and Juan PizarroMinera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile; Jordaj Zuleta, Tesseracto Cosmos, Chile.
(SPA) Increase of Haul Truck Payload through Confirmation of Process Standard
Gonzalo Compan, Aldo Jofré, Francisco Alarcón y Martín Sagredo, Chuquicamata Division, Codelco, Chile 
Session 8: Process Improvement and Technology Innovation IV
(SPA) MLP´s Net Metal Production Evolution Rocio Antúnez, Christian Sanguinetti, Cristian Ramos and Nelson Manzanares, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(ENG) Characterization of the Effects of Microwave Irradiation on Iron Ore Tailing Laís Resende and Rodrigo Amaral, Vale, Brazil; Roberto Galery, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
(SPA) Tailings to Treasure: Pathways for Promoting Sustainability in Mine Waste Felipe Saavedra and Douglas Aitken, SMI-ICE, Chile; Glen Corder, Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation, SMI, The University of Queensland, Australia
(SPA) Shipping Zone Automation in Radomiro Tomic Felipe Sagredo, Dagoberto David Obreque and José Manuel Valenzuela, Radomiro Tomic Division, Codelco, Chile
(SPA) Machine Learning Driven Decisions at SAG Mills: Minera Los Pelambres Francisco Dubournais, Fernanda Quinteros, Eduardo González, Rodrigo Cáceres, Carlos López, Felipe Figueroa, Nelson Manzanares, Hugo Acevedo and Cristian Ramos, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Session 9: Strategic Planning and Process Integration
(SPA) Fuel Management Best Practices in Mining Cristian Ramírez, FluidIntel South America, Chile
(SPA) Power Generation Optimization in Conveyor Belt System in Los Pelambres
Jorge Yoma, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(SPA) ELOS Control for the Optimization of Ore Recovery on Sub Level Stoping Method, Cerro Lindo Mine Felipe Goes, Bernardino Chuaa and Gustavo Cruzado, Nexa Resources, Peru
(SPA) Effective Utilization Improvement of Hauling Fleet at Minera Los Pelambres Cristian Araya, Wilson Lara and Diego Palma, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(SPA) Staff Management Optimization Using Agile Methodology Case Study: Excavation Works of the Crushing System
Cristian Gerbier and Fredy Varas, Vice-presidency of Projects, Codelco, Chile
(SPA) Stability Chart Calibration and Prediction of Operational Dilution at Vazante Mine Rodolfo Renó and Vitor Ferraz Viana, Nexa Resources, Brazil; Daniel Santos de Santana, Ero Copper Mine, Brazil
Session 10: Assets Management, Maintenance and Supply Chain
(ENG) Decoding the DNA of First Quartile Maintenance Performance in Mining Joel Thibert, Patrick Neise and Camilo García, McKinsey & Company, Chile and USA
(SPA) Optimized Energy Allocation in a Multi-Contract Scenario Erik Duarte, Hermógenes Zepeda and Oliver Hamann, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(ENG) Asset Management Model: Heavy Mobile Equipment in a Mining Company Vitoria Calvi, Arthur Linhares, Marcelo Pires, Carlos Garcia and Frederico Silva, Nexa Resources, Brazil and Peru
(SPA) Elements for Recovery of a Contract in Crisis Excavation Case of the Crushing System Northern Andes Project Alejandra Matus and Fredy Varas, Vice-presidency of Projects, Codelco, Chile
(SPA) Image Processing and Computer Vision Applied to Conveyor Belts in Mining Carlos Barrera, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile