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Technical Program

August 4 - 6, 2021. Santiago, Chile   


Hydroprocess 2021 is a virtual conference in which the program includes Live Sessions and Pre-recorded Sessions.

Session 1: Data Analysis, Testing, Modeling and Process Simulation
(ENG) A Laboratory Scale Investigation to Optimize the Application and Performance of a Leaching Aid Mitchell Catling, Rebecca Copp, Carlos Gaxiola, JJ Taute, Jack Bender, BASF, USA; and Héctor Yáñez, BASF, Chile
(SPA) Fines, Dust, Clays and Leaching Guillermo Kelly and Nicol Fuentes, Chking Ingeniería, Chile
(SPA) Impact of Mineral Sampling before Agglomeration Jaime Zavala, TecSampling Consultants, Chile
(SPA) Simulation of Mineral Solubilities and Kinetics using PHREEQC Sergio Ojeda, Aldo Fuentes, Paulina González, Francisca Justel and Jesús Casas, Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
(SPA) ¨E-Leach¨, An Expert Recommendation Service for Leaching Process Mario Carrasco,  Rodrigo Pereira and Rafael Berrios, Elektrochemie SpA, Chile
Session 2: New Reagents, Materials and Technology Improvements
(SPA) Copper Leaching from Complex Sulphide Ores: The Effect of Carbon-Based Materials as Catalyst Ana Méndez, J.M. Fidalgo, M.L. Álvarez1, J. Manya, G. Gascó, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
(SPA) Novel Developments of Membrane Technologies for Hydrometallurgical Applications Humberto Estay, Lorena Barros, Amanda Cerda, Katherine Menzel, Gabriel Seriche, Minghai Gim-Krumm, Michelle Quilaqueo, Advanced Mining Technology Center (AMTC), Universidad de Chile;  and René Ruby-Figueroa, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Chile
(ENG) Improved Depression of Gangue Minerals with Fenugreek Seed Gum (FEN-GUM®): A Review Bret Cousins, Corrxan, Canada and Nathan Sudom, Emerald Seed Products, Canada
(SPA) New Electrochemical Process based on Adimensionless Factor Alejo Gallegos and Daniel Navarro, Consultant, Chile
(ENG) Atmospheric Direct Leaching of Zinc Concentrates: Different Implementation Strategies
Enrique Ortea, Marko Lahtinen, Teemu Ritasalo and Pelin Altinkaya
Metso Outotec, Finland
Session 3: Operations Improvement
(SPA) Implementation of Intelligent Irrigation in Minera Centinela Leaching Process Miguel Sepúlveda, Camila Espinoza, Luciana Macera, Minera Centinela, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile; Luis Valdebenito, DUHOVIT, Chile
(SPA) The Importance of Controlling Metallurgical Variables in Leaching Gonzalo Barcos, Mauricio Pastén y Leonardo Rozas, Minera Centinela, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(SPA) El Abra Permanent PAD Slope Stability Monitoring and Control Improvements Beatriz Martínez, Marcelo Gonzales, David Campbell and Vanessa Viterbo, Minera El Abra, Freeport-McMoRan, Chile
(SPA) Optimizations in the Mechanism of Acid Impregnation on the Surface of Oxidized Minerals in the Acid Curing Stage in Leaching Juan Luis Pizarro, División Salvador, Codelco, Chile
(SPA) Leaching of Minerals with high NO3 grade at Minera Antucoya Carolina Zuanic, Alex Calderón and Antonio Velásquez, Minera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(ENG) Flexibility of Albion Process™ Implementations for Gold and Base Metal Sulfide Feeds
Stanko Nikolic, Daniel Mallah, Paul Bullock and Mike Hourn
Glencore Technology, Australia
Session 4: Solvent Extraction Operations
(SPA) Advances in the Local Production of a Metallurgical Grade Kerosene Guillermo Stephens, David Belmar and Sergio Valladares, Axxa Chemicals, Chile; and Felipe Vargas, COPEC, Chile
(SPA) El Abra: Decrease in Diesel Consumption in SX Boilers Jaime Choque, SCM El Abra, Freeport-McMoRan, Chile
(SPA) Study on the Anti-nitrification Performance of Mextral AN-200 Wang Chao-hua, Xu Zhi-gang, Zou Qian,Wang Yong-xi, Zhou Fang-li, Kopper Chemical Industry, China
(ENG) Aggressive Nitration of Arylhydroxyoxime: Reaction Mechanism Jack Bender, BASF Corporation, Mining Solutions, USA; Héctor Yañez, BASF Chile, Mining Solutions, Chile
(SPA) Organic Treatment at El Abra Juan Jara, SCM El Abra, Freeport-McMoRan, Chile
(SPA) Control of Suspended Solids and Colloidal Silica in Minera Pampa Camarones Through the Use of ACORGA®CR60LT Juan Carlos Sánchez, David Acevedo, Edgar Ricce, Solvay LA; Gunther Ahlborn, Cristian Vásquez and Claudio Rivera, Minera Pampa Camarones, Chile
(ENG) Aggressive Nitration of Arylhydroxyoximes: Operational Issues Jack Bender, BASF, USA and Héctor Yáñez, BASF, Chile
(SPA) Nitration Diagrams: Predictive Decision Tool Against Nitration Pablo Carvallo, Antonio Velásquez, Paola Tapia, Minera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile; Juan Carlos Sánchez, José Becerra  and Nicolás González, SOLVAY, Chile
Session 5: Electrowinning Operations
(SPA) Reduction of Acid Mist Formation in Cu Electrowinning Plant Tang-Qiming, Liu-Guoqiang, Zou-Qian, Zhou-Fangli, Wang-Shichuan, Wang-Zhongbo, Liu-Longcheng, Kopper Chemical Industry, China; Pablo Cabello, Safety Solutions Minería, Chile
(ENG) Effect of Fluoride on Durability of Coated Titanium Anodes and Protection from Fluoride Attack Tian Zhang, Heikki Aaltonen, Metso Outotec, Finland; and Tim Robinson, Metso Outotec, USA
(SPA) The Main Operational Conditions that Push to Generate H2(g) in Electrolytic Cells in Plants of Copper Electrowinning Antonio Velásquez, Fernando Aguiar, Rodrigo Rodríguez, Minera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile; Christian Hecker and Freddy Castro, Elektrochemie SpA, Chile
(SPA) Weighting of the Causes of Loss of Current Efficiency in EW of Cu. Effect of "Black-Outs" and the Current Busbar Damage Antonio Velásquez, Fernando Aguiar, Rodrigo Rodríguez, Minera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile; Christian Hecker and Freddy Castro, Elektrochemie SpA, Chile
Session 6: Leaching and Solvent Extraction in Chloride Medium
(SPA) SX and EW in the Chloride Leaching Process Gabriel Vera and Guillermo Kelly, Chking Ingeniería, Chile
(SPA) Chloride Leaching of Copper Sulfide Ores: Some Notes for Further Understanding its Thermodynamic and Kinetic Fundamentals Tomás Vargas, Francisco Rojas, Pablo Jumbo, Katherine Jaramillo, Evelyn Herlitz, Humberto Estay, Universidad de Chile; and Ursula Kelm, Institute of Applied Economic Geology, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
(SPA) Experiences and Learnings CuproChlor Operation in Zaldivar Mining Company José Manuel Valenzuela, Felipe Sagredo, Andrés Olea, Miguel Meza, Minera Zaldívar, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile; Christian Hecker, Elektrochemie SpA, Chile
(SPA) Leaching and Pore Evolution of Chalcopyrite Particles in Cupric Chloride Solutions Luis Beiza, Department of Mining and Metallurgy, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile;  Jochen Petersen, Hydrometallurgy Research Group, University of Cape Town, South Africa; Lilina Velásquez, School of Mining Engineering, Universidad de Talca, Chile; and Rahul Ram, School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment, Monash University, Australia
(SPA) Electro Reduction of Chalcopyrite in Ammonium Chloride Media, a Novel Way to Improve the Leaching Kinetics of Chalcopyrite Fernando Ortega, Jochen Petersen, Hydrometallurgy Research Group, University of Cape Town, South Africa; and Lilian Verlásquez, School of Mining Engineering, Universidad de Talca, Chile
(SPA) Chemical Pretreatment of Copper Sulfide Minerals for Improved Leaching Kinetics Jorge Ipinza and Juan Ibáñez, Metallurgy and Materials Department, Universidad Técnica Ferderico Santa María, Chile
Session 7: Recovery and Recycling of Metals and Impurities Removal
(SPA) Removal of Iron Present in the Pressure Leaching Solution of Zinc Concentrates Claudio Leiva, María Gálvez, Jannan Alcota, Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile; Gerardo Fuentes, International Consultant, Chile; and Claudio Acuña, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
(SPA) Magnesium Salts Precipitation Study from Lithium Brine Pablo Maluenda, María Elisa Taboada, Teófilo Graber, Department of Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile; and Elsa Flores, Scientific Technological Research Center for Mining (CICITEM), Chile
(ENG) Overview of Possibilities for Germanium Recovery from Polish Sources Using Hydrometallurgical Methods Michal Drzazga, Mateusz Ciszewski, Sylwia Kozlowicz, Adrian Radon, Patrycja Kowalik, Karolina Goc, Izabela Maj, Justyna Kostrzewa, Sebastian Kulawik,  Katarzyna Klejnowska, Krzysztof Rajczykowski, Wojciech Mikolajczak and Katarzyna Leszczynska-Sejda, Lukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, Poland
(SPA) Pressure Leaching of Palladium from Printed Circuit Boards with Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Hypochlorite Guadalupe Martínez, Jesús Valenzuela, Cynthia Loreto, Department of Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy, Universidad de Sonora, Mexico
(SPA) Removal Study of Collector Surfactants used in the Flotation of Sulphide Minerals with Activated Carbon Daniel Maldonado and Ernesto de la Torre, Department of Extractive Metallurgy, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador
(SPA) Recovery of Titanium (Ti) and Silver (Ag) from Discarded Compact Discs Bryan Feria and Diana Endara, Extractive Metallurgy Department, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador
(SPA) Study of the Recovery of Metals used Catalytic Converters of Vehicles by Hydrometallurgical Processes Bladimir Mena and Diana Endara, Extractive Metallurgy Department, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador
(SPA) Cu(II), Cd(II), Pb(II) and As(V) Adsorption from Minewaters using Magnetic Iron-Modified Calcium Silicate Hydrate Fernando Valenzuela, Geraldine Quintana, Alejandro Briso, Bruno Yañez, Carlos Basualto, José Gaete, Gonzalo Montes, Universidad de Chile
(SPA) Adsorption of the Gold Thiosulfate Complex in Activated Carbon Impregnated with Copper
José Bautista, José Parga, Alejandro Valenzuela, and Jesús Valenzuela, Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Sonora, Mexico; and 
Guillermo Tiburcio, Department of Materials and Metallurgy, Instituto Tecnológico de Saltillo, Mexico
Session 8: Posters
(SPA) A Review of Ionic Liquids Application in E-Waste Leaching Yahaira Barrueto, Pía Hernández and Yecid Jiménez, Department of Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
(SPA) Simulation of Copper Leaching from Agglomerates on Sulphate – Chloride Media using PHREEQC – HYDRUS Sergio Ojeda, Paulina González and Jesús Casas, Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
(SPA) Critical Analysis of the Latest Advances in Leaching Processes Towards Circular Economy and Sustainability: A Review Carlos Bustos, Dennis Vega-Garcia, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Concepción, Chile; and Luis Salinas-Farrán, Department of Earth Science & Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
(SPA) Use of Amino Acids for Copper Dissolution Carlos Perea, Christian Ihle, Humberto Estay, Universidad de Chile; and Laurence Dyer, Department of Mining Engineering and Metallurgical Engineering, Western Australian School of mines, Curtin University, Australia
(SPA) Recovery of Lanthanide Ions by Adsorption Using Magnetic Nanoparticles Functionalized with a Phosphonic Group José Gaete, Lorena Molina, Fernando Valenzuela and Carlos Basualto, Unit José Gaete, Lorena Molina, Fernando Valenzuela and Carlos Basualto, Unit Operations Laboratory, Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universidad de Chile
(ENG) Measuring and Modelling Agglomerate Performance using X-ray Micro Tomography Luis Salinas-Farran and Stephen Neethling, Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
(SPA) ¨Green¨ Production of Copper Nanoparticles from Mining Tailings using Bacterial Biomass Liey-si Wong, Javier Ordoñéz,  Department of Chemical engineering and Mineral Processes, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile; Ana Mercado, Department of Biotechnology, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile; and Guillermo Chong, Department of Geology, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
(SPA) Study of the Oxidation/Cyanidation of a Sulfurous Concentrate for the Extraction of Gold
Ana Espinoza, Jesús Valenzuela, Department of Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy, Universidad de Sonora, Mexico; and José Parga, Department of Metallurgy and Materials, Instituto Tecnológico de Saltillo, Mexico
(SPA) Innovations in the Activated Carbon Process with an Increase in the Feasibility of this Technology
Rodrigo Martínez, José Parga, Department of Materials and Metallurgy, Instituto Tecnológico de Saltillo, Mexico; and Jesús Valenzuela, Department of Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy, Universidad de Sonora, Mexico
Minería sustentable: una visión de futuro desde la hidrometalurgia
Pía Hernández, Director, Department of Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Yecid Jiménez, Academic, Department of Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Javier Ordóñez, Academic, Department of Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
19:00 End of Technical Course 1
Heap Leach Design: Fundamentals and New Developments
Wenying Liu, Associate professor, University of British Columbia, Canada
David Dreisinger, Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada
13:00 End of Technical Course 2
Words of Welcome
Carlos Barahona, Hydroprocess 2021 Executive Director, Gecamin, Chile
Pía Hernández, Hydroprocess 2021 Co-organizer;  Director, Department of Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Wenying Liu, Hydroprocess 2021 Co-organizer; Professor, Department of Materials Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Canada
Jaeheon Lee, Hydroprocess 2021 Co-organizer; Associate Professor, Mining and Geological Engineering, The University of Arizona, USA
Chair: Fernando Valenzuela, Academic Director, Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences, Universidad de Chile
Operational Model for a Low-Grade Deposit Pablo Carvallo, Operations Manager, Minera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Perspectives on the Heap Leaching of Sulphide Minerals in Different Chemistries Jochen Petersen, Full Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Take a seat at the virtual tables - limited seating- to do a real and effective networking
13:00 Free Time
Chair: Boris Medina, Gerente General, SCM El Abra, Freeport-McMoRan, Chile
Marimaca Copper Project Luis Tondo, General Manager, Marimaca Copper Corp., Chile
Start-up of Mina Justa Pedro Ticona, General Manager of Operations, Marcobre, Peru
17:00 Short Break
Roundtable A: Data Analytics and Process Optimization
Chair: Cristian Caro, Manager Metallurgical Modeling, Freeport-McMoRan, USA
Authors from the following sessions will be at this Roundtable:
Session 1: Data Analysis, Testing, Modeling and Process Simulation
Session 3: Operations Improvement
Mitchell Catling, BASF, USA
Guillermo Kelly, Chking Ingeniería, Chile
Jaime Zavala, TecSampling Consultants, Chile
Jesús Casas, Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
Mario Carrasco, Elektrochemie SpA, Chile
Miguel Sepúlveda, Minera Centinela, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Gonzalo Barcos, Minera Centinela, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
David Campbell Minera El Abra, Freeport-McMoRan, Chile
Juan Luis Pizarro, División Salvador, Codelco, Chile
Carolina Zuanic, Minera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
18:30 End of the Day
Chair: Eduardo Lau, Process Manager, Cía. Minera Lomas Bayas, Glencore, Chile
Discussion Panel: Competitiveness Improvements through Innovation in Hydrometallurgy
Introductory Presentation
“Challenges and Opportunities to Improve Competitiveness in Hydrometallurgical Plants”
Héctor Carreño, Director of Innovation, North District, Codelco, Chile
Priscila Araya, Leaching Innovations Manager, BHP Minerals Americas
Cristian Caro, Manager Metallurgical Modeling, Freeport-McMoRan, USA
Héctor Carreño, Director of Innovation North District, Codelco, Chile
-  Pablo Rodríguez, Finance and Administration Manager, Minera Zaldívar, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Humberto Estay, Principal Researcher, Advanced Mining Technology Center, Universidad de Chile
Take a seat to join the virtual tables –limited seating available– for a real and effective networking experience
13:00 Free Time
Roundtable B: Technology Innovations
Chair: Leonor Ardiles, New Business Development coordinator, BASF 
Authors from the following sessions will be at this Roundtable:
Session 2: New Reagents, Materials and Technology Improvements
Session 6: Leaching and Solvent Extraction in Chloride Medium
Ana Méndez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Humberto Estay, Advanced Mining Technology Center, Universidad de Chile
Bret Cousins, Corrxan, Canada
Alejo Gallegos, Consultant, Chile
Enrique Ortea, Metso:Outotec, Finland
Gabriel Vera, Chking Ingeniería, Chile
Tomás Vargas, Advanced Mining Technology Center, Universidad de Chile
José Manuel Valenzuela, Minera Zaldívar, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Luis Beiza, Department of Mining and Metallurgy, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
Fernando Ortega, Hydrometallurgy Research Group, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Jorge Ipinza, Metallurgy and Materials Department, Universidad Técnica Ferderico Santa María, Chile
17:00 Short Break
Roundtable C: Solvent Extraction and Electrowinning
Chair: Jesús Casas, Academic, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
Authors from the following sessions will be at this Roundtable:
Session 4: Solvent Extraction Operations
Session 5: Electrowinning Operations
Guillermo Stephens, Axxa Chemicals, Chile
Jaime Choque,  SCM El Abra, Freeport-McMoRan, Chile
Zhou Fang-li, Kopper Chemical Industry, China
Jack Bender, BASF Corporation, Mining Solutions, USA
Héctor Yañez, BASF Chile, Mining Solutions, Chile
Juan Jara, SCM El Abra, Freeport-McMoRan, Chile
Juan Carlos Sánchez, Solvay, Peru
Pablo Cabello, Safety Solutions Minería, Chile
Tim Robinson, Metso:Outotec, USA
Chrisitan Hecker, Elektrochemie SpA, Chile
Freddy Castro, Elektrochemie SpA, Chile
18:30 End of the Day
Roundtable D: Recovery and Recycling of Metals and Impurities Removal
Chair: Ana María Méndez, Professor, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain 
Authors from the following session will be at this Roundtable:
Session 7: Recovery and Recycling of Metals and Impurities Removal
María Gálvez, Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
Claudio Leiva, Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
Pablo Maluenda, Department of Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Michal Drzazga, Lukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, Poland
Guadalupe Martínez, Department of Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy Universidad de Sonora, Mexico
Daniel Maldonado, Department of Extractive Metallurgy, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador
Bryan Feria, Extractive Metallurgy Department, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador
Diana Endara, Extractive Metallurgy Department, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador
Fernando Valenzuela, Universidad de Chile
José Bautista, Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Sonora, Mexico
11:00 Short Break
Chair: Pía Hernández, Director, Department of Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Technological Innovation of Hydrometallurgical Processes Nelson Salazar, Cathodes Manager, Minera Centinela, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Hydrometalurgy Management in Minera Zaldívar
Claudia Domínguez, Operations Manager, Minera Zaldívar, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
- Carlos Barahona, Hydroprocess Executive Director. General Manager, Gecamin, Chile
- Fernando Valenzuela, Academic Director, Fac. of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences, Universidad de Chile
- Pablo Carvallo, Chair, Operations Manager, Minera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Take a seat at the virtual tables - limited seating- to do a real and effective networking
13:10 End of Live Activities
Technical Courses
Minería sustentable: una visión de futuro desde la hidrometalurgia
Pía Hernández, Director, Department of Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing; Yecid Jiménez, Academic, Department of Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing; Javier Ordóñez, Academic, Department of Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Heap Leach Design: Fundamentals and New Developments
Wenying Liu, Associate professor, University of British Columbia, Canada
David Dreisinger, Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada