Day 2 Program Updates
(SPA) Geological-Mineralogical and Chemical Analysis of Reactive Rocks in the Río Blanco Deposit, Andina División-Codelco
Francisco Marín, Claudio Martínez and Juan Verdugo, Andina Division, Codelco, Chile; and Yasna Contreras, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
(ENG) A Quantitative and Comparative Laboratory Analyses of X-Ray Computed Tomography and Mineral Liberation Analyzer
Ahmad Hassanzadeh, Jose Godinho, Thomas Heinig, Robert Möckel, Doreen Ebert and Martin Rudolph, Helmholtz-Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Germany
(ENG) Geometallurgical Considerations: Processing Mineralogy vs Alteration Footprints
Cassady Harraden, Cari Deyell-Wurst and Ronell Carey, Corescan, Australia; Sam Scher, Corescan, Chile
(ENG) X-Ray Tomography as a Tool in Geometallurgy
Rick Valenta, Cathy Evans and Kate Tungpalan, WH Bryan Mining and Geology Research Centre, SMI, University of Queensland, Australia; Pía Lois and Elaine Wightman, JKMRC, SMI, The University of Queensland, Australia
(SPA) A Rapid Estimation of Processing Behaviour Based on Ore Texture
Rocío Vargas, Kate Tungpalan, Cathy Evans and Emmy Manlapig, WH Bryan Mining and Geology Research Centre, SMI, University of Queensland, Australia; John Jackson, IMDEX, Australia; Khoi Nguyen, Independent Consultant, Austrlalia; and Anh Nguyen, BHP, Australia