(SPA) Evaluation of Changes in the Design of Solvent Extraction after Implementation of Leaching Process of Copper in Supergens
Roberto Gutiérrez, Dayna Seura, Sebastián Blanco and Kelly Montes, Minera Spence, BHP, Chile
(SPA) ACORGA®NR BOOSTER: A Tool to Protect Organic Inventories from the Risk of Nitration
Juan Sánchez, Nicolás González, David Acevedo, Rodrigo Zambra and Mauricio Morales, Solvay, Chile
(SPA) Methodology to Control Chloride in SX-EW Electrolyte from Chloride Leach Operations
Jorge Menacho, José Manríquez, Yadranka Zivkovic, DRM Ingeniería, Chile; Sergio Rojas and Andrés Olea, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(SPA) Nitrite's Influence on Oxime Extractant Rapid Nitration in Low Acidity
Wang Chao-hua, Xu Zhi-gang, Zou Qian, Wang Yong-xi, Ren Jiao, Yang Zheng-shu and Zhou Fangli, Kopper Chemical Industry, China
(SPA) Reduction of Crud Formation in SX through ACORGA® CR60: Industrial Case
Luis Moya, Tyler McCallum, Troy Bednarski, Solvay, USA; Rodrigo Zambra, Solvay, Chile; and Bravo Mbao, Solvay EMEA