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Technical and Social Program

November 28-30, 2018. Hotel Santiago, Chile 



16:00-19:00 Registration, Foyer

18:00-18:30 Authors and Session Chair Coordination Meeting, Ballroom A & B

Inauguration Ceremony
Words of Welcome
•  Carlos Barahona, Procemin-Geomet 2018 Executive Director; Gecamin, Chile
•  Richard Valenta, Procemin-Geomet 2018 Co-Organizer; Professor, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, Australia
•  Froilán Vergara, Procemin-Geomet 2018 Co-Organizer; Director, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
•  Cristian Ramos, Procemin-Geomet 2018 Chair; Concentrator Manager, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile

Opening Address 
Minera Los Pelambres: Goals and Challenges
Mauricio Larraín, General Manager, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
20:00 - 21:30 Welcome Reception. Foyer. Courtesy of Minera Los Pelambres, Chile
Plenary Session 1
Chair: Nicolás Cruz, Principal Geometallurgy, Anglo American, Chile
(SPA) Daily Program Updates
(SPA) Data Management in Antofagasta Minerals Pablo Carvallo, Manager of Operations Optimization, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(SPA) Development and Use of Geometallurgy at Cerro Verde Héctor Benavente, Metallurgy Superintendent, Cerro Verde, FreePort-McMoRan, Peru
(ENG) Geometallurgy as a Foundation for Value Based Ore Control Craig Morley, Vice President of Mining, Geosciences and Reconciliation, Anglo American, Chile
10:00 - 10:50 Poster Session and Coffee Break. Courtesy of Weir Minerals
Session 1: Comminution Testing and Performance Estimation
Chair: Christian Jara, Cía. Minera Teck Carmen de Andacollo, Chile
(ENG) Designing an Optimal Comminution Sampling Program for Geometallurgy Alex Doll, A. G. Doll Consulting, Canada
(SPA) Model Based Laboratory/Plant Scale-up of HPGR Circuit Performance Jaime Sepúlveda, J-Consultants, Chile; Edson Tobar, Ricardo Galdames and Santiago Figueroa, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(ENG) Correction of Bond Ball Mill Work Index Test for Closing Mesh Sizes Yardin Josefin, Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering, University of British Columbia, Canada; and Alex Doll, Sagmilling, Canada
(ENG) Accuracy of the Bond Ball Mill Test and Its Implications Matt Weier and Tapiwa Chenje, JKTech, Australia
(SPA) Vertimill as the Definitive Step Before Concentration Sebastián Villalobos, Juan Opazo, Raúl Noriega and Felipe Gallardo, Metso, Chile; Daniel Suarez, Metso, USA; and Serkan Dikmen, Metso, Australia
Session 2: Fundamentals and Flotation Reagents
Chair: Leonardo Flores, Spence Growth Option Project, BHP, Chile
(ENG) Alternative Depressants for the Reverse Cationic Flotation of Iron Ores Carlos Veloso, ArcelorMittal Global Research and Development, France; Université de Lorraine, France; Levi Filippov, Inna Filippova, Université de Lorraine, France; and Armando Araujo, ArcelorMittal Global Research and Development, France
(SPA) Effect of Dispersants (Type and Dose) on The Selective Flotation of a Sulfide Copper Ore Carmina Quintanar, Solvay, Chile; Ítalo Manzo and Marco Vera, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
(ENG) Tecflote: New Collector Chemistry for Sulfide Ore Andrew Lewis, Akzonobel, Sweden; and Odair Lima, Akzonobel, Brazil
(ENG) Iron Ore Direct Flotation Using a Crude Biosurfactant Extracted from a Rhodococcus Opacus Strain
Andreza Pereira, Ronald Rojas, Mauricio Torem, Mauricio Cortes and Antonio Merma, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
(SPA) Role of Dispersants in the Interactions Between Clay Minerals and Copper Sulfides in Seawater Andrés Ramírez, Water Research Center for Agriculture and Mining, Universidad de Concepción; Ailynne Rojas and Leopoldo Gutiérrez, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Concepción, Chile; and Janusz Laskowski, Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering, University of British Columbia, Canada
Session 3: Applied Mineralogy and Mineral Characterization
Chair: Marcelo Rocha, Los Bronces Operation, Anglo American, Chile
(ENG) Application of two Multivariate Techniques on Exploratory Analysis of Geometallurgical Data Cristian Jeraldo, Cristian Quiñones, Ademir Ramírez and Rafael Venegas, Wood, Chile
(ENG) The Optimum Number of Size Fractions: A Discussion on Number of Fractions per Sample for an Automated Mineralogy Test Mahdi Ghobadi and Rino Bindi, Activation Laboratories, Canada
(SPA) Mineralogical and Metallurgical Examination of Phyllosilicate Mineral Flotation in Chinalco Peru Mine Johan Cobeñas, Minera Chinalco, Peru
(SPA) Quantifying Mineral Liberation Using X-ray Micro-CT: What Can a 3D Analysis Tell Us? Francisco Reyes, Jan Cilliers and Stephen  Neethling, Department of Earth Science and Engineering , Imperial College London, UK
(ENG) Uncertainty Assessment in Particle Tracking Processing Models of Cassiterite in Complex Skarn Ores
Edgar Schach, Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, Marius Kern, Robert Möckel, Karl van den Boogaart and Martin Rudolph, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany; Markus Buchmann, Thomas Leißner and Urs Peuker, 
Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
12:30-14:00 Lunch. Poolside Terrace. Courtesy of Clariant
Session 4: Comminution Processes
Chair: Daniel Jordán, Los Bronces Operation, Anglo American, Chile
(SPA) Effect of Grinding Media Type on Ball Mill Capacity Levi Guzman and Dante Garcia, Moly-Cop Adesur, Peru
(ENG) Exploring the Impact of Other Parameters on Grinding Media Wear: The Minas Rio Case Peter Radziszewski, Sudarshan Martins, Metso, Canada; Roberto Panzera, Metso, Brazil; Jens Lichter, Anglo American, South Africa; Jonathan Silva and Lorene Fonseca; Minas Rio, Anglo American, Brazil
(SPA) Operational Comparison Associated to Obstructed SAG Mill Grates, Using Discrete Element Method (DEM) Simulation Ignacio Molina, Rodrigo Muranda, Pablo Pichinao and Guillermo Flores, Moly-Cop, Chile
(SPA) Optimize Fragmentation with Split-ShovelCam Cristian Rodríguez, Split Engineering, Chile; Peter Cameron, Split Engineering, Australia; and Tom BoBo, Split Engineering, USA
(SPA) Grinding Efficiency Optimization of a Semi Autogenous Mill Through Liner Design Using Discrete Element Simulation
Michael Arroyo, Levi Guzman and Dante Garcia, Moly-Cop Adesur, Peru
Session 5: Flotation Testing and Performance Estimation
Chair: Francisco Melo, Mitsui Mineral Resources, Chile
(ENG) Froth Flotation of Low Grade Iron Ore Using Fatty Acid
Ronald Rojas, Andreza Pereira, Mauricio Torem, Mauricio Cortes, Antonio Merma, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and Antonio Lamon, Hidroveg Chemical Industries, Brazil
(SPA) A Multivariable Sensor to Measure Gas and Solid Holdup in Flotation Machines Miguel Maldonado, Pablo Santiagos, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile; and César Gomez, Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, McGill University, Canada
(SPA) Phase-Exclusion Cells: A Primary Sensing Component for In-Situ Measurement of Gas Holdup César Gomez, Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, McGill University, Canada; and Miguel Maldonado, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
(SPA) Pilot Scale Assessment of Stage Flotation Reactor as Part of Spence Growth Option Projects' Cu-Mo Separation Circuit Fernanda Orellana, Víctor Iriarte, Leonardo Flores and Cristian Palacios, Spence Growth Option Project, BHP, Chile
(SPA) Exploring the Use of Ferric Chloride Leaching to Enhance SGO Mo Conc. Quality Víctor Iriarte, Leonardo Flores and Fernanda Orellana, Spence Growth Option Project, BHP, Chile
Session 6: Geometalurgical Modeling I
Chair: Duber Jofre, Minera Escondida, BHP, Chile
(ENG) Estimating Geometallurgical Risk in Undeveloped Complex Orebodies

Rick Valenta, Alice Clark, Rhonda O’Sullivan and Joel Thomas, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, Australia

(SPA) Upgrade of Esperanza Geometallurgical Model Leyla Vaccia, Charles Lozano, Minera Centinela, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile; Orlando Rojas and Javier Olivares, GeoEstima, Chile
(SPA) Geometallurgical Characterization for Vizcachitas Cu/Mo 110.000 tpd Project, Chile
Antony Amberg, Los Andes Copper, Chile; Gonzalo Saldías, Minera Vizcachitas, Chile;  Romke Kuyvenhoven, Francisco Soto, Empiririca Consultores, Chile; Heriban Soto and Catherine Souza, SGS Minerals, Chile
(ENG) Hyperspectral Core Imaging Applied to Geometallurgy

Paul Linton, TerraCore, USA; and Miguel Martínez, ALS Global, Chile

(ENG) Geological Contributions to a Geomet Program in Brazil - Cuiaba’s AngloGold Ashanti Mine Luiz Da Costa and Fernando Villanova, AngloGold Ashanti, Brazil
15:40-16:20 Poster Session and Coffee Break. Courtesy of Weir Minerals
Plenary Session 2
Chair: Claudio Muñoz, Gerente de Producción Concentradora, Minera Escondida, BHP, Chile
(SPA) An Empirical Approach to SAG Mill Performance Optimization Based on Operational Database Correlations: The Pelambres Case Jaime Sepúlveda, Executive Director, J-Consultores, Chile; Michel Morales and Cristian Leiva, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(SPA) X-ray Transmission Based Sorting at the San Rafael Tin Mine Pedro Condori, Metallurgical Process Manager, Minsur, Peru; Christopher Robben, Tomra Sorting Mining, Germany; Angel Pinto and Ronald Machaca, Mina San Rafael, Minsur, Peru
(SPA) Real-Time Data Platform for Productive Ecosystem Lautaro Osorio, Manager Real-Time Data Platforms, BHP, Chile
IMPC 2020 Announcement

Romke Kuyvenhoven, Member IMPC Consul and  Megan Becker, University of Cape Town, South Africa

17:50 - 20:00 Networking Cocktail. Foyer
Session 7: Technology Innovations I
Chair: Romke Kuyvenhoven, SMI, International Centre of Excellence, The University of Queensland, Chile
(ENG) Application of Continuous Elemental Analysis and Sampling Zones for Flotation Plants Tom Strombotne, Thermofisher, USA
(ENG) Using Artificial Intelligence and 3D Imaging for Real-Time Fragmentation Analysis on Conveyor Belts Ian Bell and Shahram Tafazoli, Motion Metrics International, Canada
(ENG) Coarse Separation at the Mine Face Michael Scott, Corporate Research Centre for Optimising Resource Extraction, Australia
(ENG) Real-Time Monitoring of Precious Metals in Slurries Yves Van Haarlem, Brianna Ganly, Joel O’Dwyer, Jack Drury and David Abernethy, Department of Earth Science Sensing and Sorting Program, Mineral Resources, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
(SPA) Evaluation of Valuable Minerals Along an Industrial Rougher Circuit Using QEMSCAN Analysis Paulina Vallejos, Juan Yianatos, Centre for Mining Industry, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile; and Michel Morales, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Session 8: Throughput Estimation and Plant Management I
Chair: Adam Johnston, Transmin Metallurgical Consultants, Peru
(SPA) Building a Geometallurgical Model for Throughput Estimation Based on SGI and BWI Héctor Montes, Metallurgical Consultant, Chile; and Marcelo Aguilar, GRT Ingenieros, Chile
(SPA) New Predictive Blasting Model Oriented to Optimum Production Planning Jorge Menacho, Luis Verdugo and Guillermo Vega, De Re Metallica Ingeniería, Chile
(SPA) Application of Process Reliability for Mining Operations Efficiency Assessment Juan Carlos Duarte, Ausenco, Chile
(ENG) How to Write Off/In In-Process Inventories at Month End in Compliance With AMIRA P754 Luc Lachance, Simon Gariépy and Myriam Cousineau, Ion Group, Canada
Not presented
Chair: N/A
No Session
No Session
No Session
No Session
No Session
10:10 - 11:00 Poster Session and Coffee Break. Courtesy of GeoInnova
Session 9: Technological Innovations II
Chair: Miguel Jimenez, El Teniente Division, Codelco, Chile
(SPA) Technical Feasibility of Recovering Cobalt During the Processing of Copper and Iron Ore
Romke Kuyvenhoven, Sustainable Minerals Institute, International Centre of Excellence, The University of Queensland, Chile; Verónica Hernández and Brian Townley, Universidad de Chile
(SPA) An Innovative Deportment Study as the Key to Assess the Potential Contribution of Lower Grade Precious Metals in Base Metals Concentrates Leonardo Flores, Fernanda Orellana, Víctor Iriarte and Cristian Palacios, Spence Growth Option Project, BHP, Chile
(SPA) Improving Buenavista del Cobre Flotation Performance with Outotec TankCell® e630 Technology
Rodrigo Grau, Alejandro Yáñez, Matthew Hicks, Outotec, Finland; Alejandro Tapia, Julián Chavira, Gregorio Muro, Buenavista del Cobre, Grupo México, Mexico; and José Romero, Outotec, Mexico
(SPA) New Technology to Recover Fine Particles in the Flotation Process Using Surface Hydrophobized Materials (SHM)

Claudio Acuña, Sebastián Arriagada and Marco Vera, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria, Chile

(SPA) Underflow Mechanical Energy Dissipation in Hydrocyclones: Operation State Control Lina Chica, Universidad de Medellín, Colombia; Moises Bustamente, Universidad Nacional de Colombia; and Arturo Barrientos, Awke, Chile
Session 10: Flotation Performance Improvements
Chair: Fernando Torres, Mitsui Mineral Resources, Chile
(ENG) Improvement of Magnesite Ore Reverse Flotation by Changing the Milling Circuit Matheus Moraes, Paschoal Bonadia, Cassandro Matos, RHI Magnesita, Brazil; and Douglas Mazzinghy, Mining Engineering Department, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
(SPA) Upgrade of the Cleaner Circuit of the Mount Isa Mines Copper Concentrator Rodrigo Araya, Glencore Technology, Canada and Virginia Lawson, Glencore Technology, Australia
(SPA) Application of the Taguchi Method to Optimize Parameters in a Rougher Circuit of Copper and Molybdenum Flotation Alejandro Mayta and Miguel Mayta, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín, Peru
(SPA) Mineral Occurrence of Molybdenum at El Teniente, Chile: Implications to Metallurgical Recovery Gonzalo Zúñiga, Ludovina Burgos, El Teniente Division, Codelco, Chile; and Brian Townley, Department of Geology, Universidad de Chile
(SPA) Influence of the P80 Parameter in the Molybdenum Recovery at El Teniente Cu Porphyry Deposit, Chile Karen Osorio, Gonzalo Zúñiga and Ludovina Burgos, El Teniente Division, Codelco, Chile
Session 11: Geometalurgical Modeling II
Chair: Javier Órdenes, Minera Meridian, Yamana Gold, Chile
(SPA) Short-Term Geometallurgy at El Teniente Division: A Great Challenge
Úrsula Contreras, Olivia Mejías and Miguel Jiménez, El Teniente Division, Codelco, Chile
(SPA) Geometallurgy Applied to Small Mining Dario Lozada, Ecomining, Ecuador; and Ana Salazar, Compañía Minera Minereicis, Ecuador
(ENG) Geometallurgical Characterization of Nelsonite Bodies from Catalão I Carbonatitic Complex to Find Favorable Process Targets
Leonardo Rangel, Bruno Milanezi, MCOC International, Brazil; Victor Correia, Douglas Mazzinghy, Universidade Federal de Giás, Brazil; and Anastacio de Melo Filho, Geometallurgical and Process Consultant, Brazil
(SPA) A Methodology for the Simulation of Synthetic Geometallurgical Block Models of Porphyry Ore Bodies
Mauricio Garrido, Felipe Navarro, ALGES Laboratory, AMTC, Universidad de Chile; Exequiel Sepúlveda, School of Mining Engineering, Universidad de Talca, Chile; and Brian Townley, Department of Geology, Universidad de Chile
(ENG) Quantifying the effect of Texture and Mineralogy Over the Physical Properties of Rocks Using the Single Impact Load Cell Pia Lois-Morales, Benjamin Bonfils and Cathy Evans and Dion Weatherley, Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, Australia
12:40-14:00 Lunch. Poolside Terrace
Session 12: Process Analysis
Chair: Cecilia Arrué, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(SPA) Impact of Hydrodynamic Conditions and Frother Strength over Coarse and Fine Particle Flotation Rob Thorpe, Metrix Plant Technologies, Canada; Frank Cappuccitti, Flottec, USA; and Juan Anes, Flottec, Canada
(SPA) Rheological Behavior of Suspensions Generated from Sulfide Ores from Minera Centinela under Different Physicochemical Conditions
Andrés Ramirez, Leopoldo Gutiérrez, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Concepción, Chile; Fabiola Rivadeneira and Francisco Melo, Minera Centinela, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(SPA) Reducing Fine Molybdenite Losses in Bulk Copper/Molybdenum Flotation: A Case Study Rodrigo Araya, Glencore Technology, Canada; César Gómez, Department of Mining and Materials Engineering, McGill University, Canada; and Virginia Lawson, Glencore Technology, Australia
(SPA) Evaluation of Flotation Reagents Formulations in Cupru Min Ores
Marco Orellana, Proquimin, Chile; Gheorghe Chindris and Cornel Mera, Cupru Min, Romania
(SPA) Frother Characterization Using Hydrodynamic Methodology Patricio Velarde, Levi Guzman and Dante Garcia, Moly-Cop Adesur, Peru
Session 13: Throughput Estimation and Plant Management II
Chair: Mauricio Torem, Pontifícia Universidad Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
(ENG) Creation of a Production and Feed Simulator from the Phosphate and Niobio Plants in Catalão Using Geometallurgical Information Leonardo Rangel, CMOC International, Brazil
(SPA) Integral Planning of the Process-Chain Performance Jorge Menacho, Guillermo Vega and Sebastián Manríquez, De Re Metallica Ingeniería, Chile
(SPA) Integrated Optimization of Mining and Minerals Processing Operations Walter Valery, Alex Jankovic, Kristy-Ann Duffy, Peter Holtham, Erico Tabosa and Sergio Vianna, Hatch, Autstralia; Roberto Valle, Hatch, Peru; and Rodrigo Hayashida, Hatch, Brazil
(ENG) Throughput Modeling for Copper Sulfide Deposit, Pará, Brazil
Elisabeth da Fonseca, Wesley Silva and Petterson Barbosa, Vale, Brazil
(SPA) Flotation Circuit Optimization at Sierra Gorda Concentrator Plant Julio Zapata, Sierra Gorda SCM, Chile
Session 14: Applied Mineralogy and Mineral Characterization II
Chair: Ludovina Burgos, El Teniente Division, Codelco, Chile
(ENG) Evaluation of the Performance of an Industrial Rougher Flotation Bank of a Scheelite Ore Through Automated Mineralogy Nathalie Kupka and Martin Rudolph, Edgar Schach, Department of Mineral Processing, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf, Germany
(SPA) Artificial Intelligence and its Application in the Current Automated Mineralogy Mauricio Belmar, Felipe Martínez, Melisse Henry, Yeslainge Fuentes, Paulina Andaur, Héctor Suazo, SGS Minerals, Chile; and Tomas Hrstka, SGS Minerals, Canada
(SPA) Online Mineralogy Analyser on Copper Slurry at Chuquicamata Division Concentrator Plant Héctor Carreño, Radomiro Tomic Division, Codelco, Chile; Gabriel Berkowitz, Héctor Lizama, Cristian Rodríguez and Patricio Lara, CodelcoTech, Chile; Osvaldo Maldonado, Rubén Vásquez and Nicolás Turén, Sax Soluciones Analíticas, Chile
(SPA) Mineralogical Characterization and Impact on the Recovery of Molybdenum in the Chuquicamata Deposit, Antofagasta Region, Chile Ayrton Tapia, Chuquicamata Division, Codelco; Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile; Mauricio Romero, Marlen Reyes and Domingo Muñoz, Chuquicamata Division, Codelco, Chile
(SPA) Relation Between Geological and Mineralogical Factors with Mo Recovery at Los Bronces Mine Marcelo Rocha, Los Bronces Operation, Anglo American, Chile
15:40-16:20 Poster Session and Coffee Break. Courtesy of GeoInnova
Plenary Session 3
Chair: Cristian Ramos, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(SPA) Innovation and Productivity at Minera Collahuasi, Chile
Dalibor Dragicevic, Vice President of Projects, Cía. Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi, Chile
(SPA) Future Vision for Codelco’s El Teniente Division Miguel Jiménez, Process Engineering Superintendent, El Teniente Division, Codelco, Chile
(SPA) NuevaUnión: A Project with Synergies Walter Bergholz, Engineering Manager Process, NuevaUnión Project
Closing Ceremony
Conference Balance and Final Comments
•  Carlos Barahona, Procemin-Geomet 2018 Executive Director; Gecamin, Chile
•  Richard Valenta, Procemin-Geomet 2018 Co-Organizer; Professor, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, Australia
•  Leopoldo Gutiérrez, Procemin-Geomet 2018 Co-Organizer; Associate Professor, Metallurgical Engineering Department, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
•  Oscar Jerez, Procemin-Geomet 2018 Co-Organizer; Associate Professor, Institute of Applied Economic Geology, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
•  Cristian Ramos, Procemin-Geomet 2018 Chair; Concentrator Manager, Minera Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile

Characterization of Flotation Froths Using a Rhodococcus Opacus as Bioreagent
MaurIcio Cortes, Mauricio Torem, Ronald Rojas and Andreza Pereira, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and H. Couto, Mineral Technology Center, CETEM; Brazil

Variables that Determine the PSD Analysis of Clay-Rich Materials by Wet Laser Diffraction Andrea Dupré, Department Earth and Sciences, Universidad de Concepción, Chile; Ursula Kelm and Oscar Jerez, Institute of Applied Economic Geology, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Hematite and Quartz Bioflotation: Adsorption and Selective Study

Carlos Castañeda, Antonio Gutiérrez and Maurício Torem
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Evaluation of Hydrological Processes that Affect the Spatial Distribution of Critical Raw Materials in Cauquenes Porphyry Copper Tailing Erika González-Díaz, Brian Townley and Byron Riquelme, Department of Geology and Advanced Mining Technology Center, Universidad de Chile; Manuel Caraballo, Sebastián García-Cardenas, Department of Mining Engineering, Universidad de Chile; Roberto Collao and Patricio Martinez, CodelcoTech, Chile; and Felipe Noriega, Minera Valle Central, Chile 
Mineralogical and Micro-Chemical Characterization of Tailings: Something More Than a Sediment?

Ursula Kelm, Oscar Jerez and Alexey Novoselov, Institute of Applied Economic Geology, Universidad de Concepción, Chile; and Leopoldo Gutiérrez, Department of Metallurgy, Universidad de Concepción, Chile