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Technical and Social Program

June 20 - 22, 2018. Hotel Santiago, Chile




16:00-19:00 Registration, Foyer

18:00-18:30 Authors and Session Chair Coordination Meeting, Ballroom A & B

Inaugural Ceremony
Words of Welcome
  • Carlos Barahona, Hydroprocess 2018 Executive Director; General Manager, Gecamin, Chile
  • Erik Spiller, Hydroprocess 2018 Co-organizer; Professor, Kroll Institute for Extractive Metallurgy, Colorado School of Mines, USA
  • Patricio Navarro, Hydroprocess 2018 Co-organizer; Director, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Freddy Aroca, Hydroprocess 2018 Chair; Metallurgy Superintendent, Minera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile

Opening Address

Minera Antucoya: An Ongoing Challenge on Innovation and Operational Excellence

Leonardo González, General Manager, Minera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile

20:00 - 21:30 Welcome Reception. Foyer. Courtesy of Glencore Technology
Plenary Session 1
Chair: Freddy Aroca, Metallurgy Superintendent, Minera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Daily Program Updates
(SPA) Why Do We Care About Lithium? Emilio Bunel, Innovation Manager, SQM, Chile
(SPA) Innovation and Productivity Improvements in Radomiro Tomic Division

Héctor Carreño, Director of Innovation, Radomiro Tomic Division, Codelco, Chile

(ENG) Sable Plant, Zambia: An Industrial Facility Transformation to Treat Complex Chalcopyrite Copper Concentrates Using Albion ProcessTM Technology Glenn Stieper, Mineral Processing Manager, Glencore Technology, Australia
10:00 - 10:50 Poster Session and Coffee Break. Foyer
Session 1: Hydrometallurgy of Base Metals
Chair: Héctor Carreño, Radomiro Tomic Division, Codelco, Chile
(SPA) Determination of Acidity in Leaching Solutions: Gran Method with Addition of Standard

Rafael García and Miguel Astudillo, Minera El Abra, FreePort-McMoRan, Chile

(ENG) Chalcocite Heap Leaching with Fresh and Blended Ore

Wenying Liu, Department of Materials Engineering, University of British Columbia, Canada; and Giuseppe Granata, Department of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Waseda University, Japan

(SPA) Results of an Applied Methodology for the Optimization of Heap Leach and its Evolution

Gerardo Olivares and Marinka SilvaTesra, Chile

(SPA) Incorporation of the Phenomenon of Seeding Into the Scorodite Precipitation Process Juan Cornejo, Ecometales, Chile
(SPA) Re-Leaching of Heap Spent Residues at Quebrada Blanca

Hector Lizama, Teck Metals, Canada; Harold Ordinola and Danilo Arrue, Cía. Minera Teck Quebrada Blanca, Chile

Session 2: Cyanidation, Leaching and Gold Recovery
Chair: Scot Sandoval, FreePort-McMoRan, USA
(SPA) Gold Leaching of an Auriferous Ore by Glycine Solutions and its Recovery on Activated Carbon

Valeria Arias, Kleber Collantes, Sebastián Gámez and Ernesto de la Torre, Department of Extractive Metallurgy, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador

(ENG) Recent Developments in Gold Leaching Technologies with Alternative Lixiviants to Cyanide

Ahmad Ghahreman, The Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining, Queen´s University, Canada; and Álvaro Videla, Department of Mining Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

(SPA) Thiosulfate Leaching of Gold from Waste Printed Circuit Boards and its Recovery by Ion Exchange Resin

Karla Garcés, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Ecuador; Sebastián Gámez and Ernesto de la Torre, Department of Extractive Metallurgy, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador

(SPA) Treatment of Cyanide Effluents with Platinum Impregnated on Alumina and Activated Carbon as Supports

Evelin Arcos, Diana Endara, Ernesto de la Torre and Sebastián Gámez, Departament of Extractive Metallurgy, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador

12:30-14:00 Lunch. Poolside Terrace. Courtesy of BASF
Session 3: Leaching Processes and Leaching Solutions Treatment
Chair: Luis Hidalgo, Minera Zaldívar, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(SPA) Challenges and Operational Results Wet Area (LX-SX-EW)

José Miguel Aldana, Minera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile

(SPA) Piloting of Heap Secondary Leaching at Quebrada Blanca

Héctor Lizama, Teck Metals, Canada; Danilo Arrue, Rodrigo Hurtado, Matthew Armenti, Mark Witzel, Teck Resources, Chile; and Felipe Pizarro, Teck Alaska, USA

(SPA) Crystallizing Copper Sulfate from Leaching Solutions María Elisa Taboada, Sebastián Tapia, Elsa Flores and Teófilo Graber, Department of Chemical Engineering and Mineral Process, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
(SPA) Selective Recovery of Copper from Nickel Laterite Leach Solution

Iara Alves, Chemical Engineering, Faculdades Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil; Amilton Botelho, Carlos Rosario, Denise Espinosa and Jorge Tenório, Department of Chemical Engineering, Escola Politécnica of the University of São Paulo, Brazil

(SPA) A Path Toward the Operational Excellence Through Adopting Industry’s Best Practices

Nelson Salazar, Jorge Retamal, Gilbert Rojas and Juan González, Gabriela Mistral Division, Codelco, Chile

Session 4: New Reagents, Materials and Technology Development
Chair: Ramón Mendoza, Southern Peru Copper, Mexico
(ENG) Safford Hydromet Reagent Reductions

Jacob Sweet and Casey Clayton, Safford Mine, FreePort-McMoRan, USA

(ENG) Atmospheric Oxidation of Pyrite in the Presence of Lewatit® AF 5: A Parameters Study

Denver Cowan and Ahmad Ghahreman, The Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining, Queen´s University, Canada

(SPA) Waste Leaching Material Stabilization Through the Use of LAR-2® Reagent

Felipe Ayala, Liap, Chile; Raimundo Bordagorry, Center of Applied Ecology and Sustainability, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile; Juan Rivadeneira and Gustavo Rodriguez, Center for Energy and Sustainable Development, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile

(SPA) Spinel’s Active Carbon Composites for Cyanide Ion Oxidation Catalysis in the Mining Industry

Ana Lozada, Maricarmen Adatty, Sebastián Gámez and Ernesto de la Torre, Department of Extractive Metallurgy, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador

(SPA) New Additive to Reduce Crud Formation in Solvent Extraction Operations

Luis Moya, Troy Bednarski, Adam Fischmann, Tyler McCallum, Solvay, USA; Rodrigo Zambra, Solvay, Chile

15:40-16:20 Poster Session and Coffee Break. Foyer
Session 5: Leaching and Bioleaching of Sulfide Minerals and Concentrates
Chair: Edison Herrera, BHP, Chile
(SPA) First Decision Support Systems for Bioleaching Processes C. Demergasso, R. Véliz, J. Bekios, Pedro Galleguillos, M. Acosta, S. Marín, R. Pizarro, F. Henríquez, J. Mandiola, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile; C. Panozo, Aptic, Chile; C. Espoz, S. Davis and A. Velázquez, Minera Escondida, BHP, Chile
(ENG) EIS Measurements and Redox Potential Control in Bioleaching of Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) with Thermophilic Bacteria

Fabiana Arena, Denise Bevilaqua and Assis Benedetti, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

(SPA) Encapsulated Microorganisms Technology for Solid Inoculation: The Next Step to not Use Water in Bioleaching Processes with High Performance

Patricia Piña and Patricio Martínez, CodelcoTech, Chile

(SPA) Nitrate Salts: An Alternative as Oxidant to Chalcopyrite Leaching in Chloride Media

Pía Hernández, Osvaldo Herreros, María Taboada, Uiversidad de Antofagasta, Chile; and Francisca Zuñiga, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile

(ENG) Highlights of Outotec Hydrometallurgical Copper Processing Technologies (CuCl/POX/BIOX) Marko Lampi, Janne Karonen, Kaarlo Haavanlammi, Outotec, Finland; Jan Van Niekerk, Outotec, South Africa; and Alexis Villarroel, Outotec, Chile 
Session 6: Fundamentals of Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange
Chair: Patricio Navarro, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
(ENG) Extract Iron from High Acid Electrolyte

Ji Shang-jun, Xu Zhi-gang, You Zheng, Wang Jin-hong, Tang Qi-ming and Zou Qian, Solvent Extraction Engineering Research Center, Kopper Chemical Industry

(ENG) Commercial Introduction of Cyanex 600 for Molybdenum Solvent Extraction

Troy Bednarski, Tyler McCallum, Luis Moya, Solvay, USA; Rodrigo Zambra, Solvay, Chile; Brandon Gay and Clayton Lewis, Freeport-McMoran, USA

(SPA) Evaluation of the Entrainment of Organic in Aqueous in Solvent Extraction of Copper by the Addition of Surfactants

Francisco Santic and Robinson Constanzo, Department of Chemical Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile

(ENG) Study on the Performance of Anti-Nitrification Extractant Mextral AN-100 Wang Chao-hua, Xu Zhi-gang, Zou Qian, Ji Shang-jun, Zhang Chen-xin, Peng Xue, Ren Jiao and Tang Qi-ming,  Solvent Extraction Engineering Research Center, Kopper Chemical Industry, China
(SPA) Improving Physical Quality of the Organic Phase Through Clay Treatment: Industrial Cases

Juan Carlos Sánchez, Edgar Ricce, Solvay, Peru; and Rodrigo Zambra, Solvay, Çhile

18:00 - 19:30 Networking Cocktail. Foyer
Plenary Session 2
Chair: Rafael García, Plant Manager, Minera El Abra, FreePort-McMoRan, Chile
Daily Program Updates
(SPA) Opportunities in Hydrometallurgy: A Vision from the Business Agustín Sepúlveda, Director of Innovation and Technology, Programa Nacional de Minería Alta Ley, CORFO, Chile
(SPA) Management of Hydrometallurgy in Chuquicamata Division: Achievements, Opportunities and Challenges

Claudia DomínguezExtraction and Leaching Manager, Chuquicamata Division, Codelco, Chile

(SPA) Óxidos Encuentro Project Oscar Rosas, Manager of Óxidos Encuentro Project, Minera Centinela, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
10:00 - 10:50 Poster Session and Coffee Break. Foyer
Session 7: Solvent Extraction and Electrowinning Processes
Chair: Nicolás Herrera, Minera Escondida, BHP, Chile
(SPA) New Generation of Highly Selective and Degradation Resistant Reagents for Copper Solvent Extractionspa Jack Bender, Rebecca Copp, Timothy McDonald, BASF, USA; and Héctor Yáñez, BASF, Chile
(ENG) Solvent Extraction of Molybdenum(VI) and Vanadium(V) from Sulfuric Acid Solution by Cyanex 600 in Orfom SX-12

Brighty Dutta and David Dreisinger, University of British Columbia, Canada; Michael Moser, Luis Moya, Solvay, USA; Boban Jakovljevic, Solvay, Canada

(ENG) Extraction and Stripping of Ca, Mg and Ni from MHP Liquor Using Mixtures of D2EHPA and Cyanex 272

Alexandre Guimarães, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil; and Marcelo Mansur, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

(SPA) Washing Stages in the Control of Chloride Transfer from Leach Solutions to the Electrolyte in Copper Solvent Extraction Process

Héctor Yáñez, Leonor Ardiles, Francisco Reyes, Philippe Joly and Jorge Mejias, BASF, Chile

(SPA) Application Experiences of LateralVex® and LateralFlow® Technologies at the Electrowinning Tankhouse of Minera Antucoya Fernando Penna, Cristián Villaseca and Rodrigo Villarroel, TecnoComposites SpA, Chile
Session 8: Development, Innovation and Process Improvement
Chair: José Miguel Aldana, Minera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
(SPA) Analysis of Chalcopyrite Leaching in a Gas-Solid-Liquid System

Josué Cháidez, Isaías Almaguer, Ricardo Benavides, Servicios Especializados Peñoles, Mexico; José Parga, Instituto Tecnológico de Saltillo, Mexico; and Raúl Carrillo, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Mexico

(SPA) Application of Software Sensors as Complement for the Analysis of Copper Electrolyte Solutions

Jesús Casas, Katherine Bustos, Daniel Navia, Juan Ibáñez, Universidad Federico Santa María, Chile; Claudio Campos, Juan Cornejo and Marcelo Acuña, Ecometales, Chile

(SPA) Leaching of Chalcopyrite Concentrate in Iodide-Sulfuric Acid Medium with Seawater

César Castellón, Pía Hernández, Department of Chemical Engineering and Mineral Process, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile; and María Toboada, Center for Mining Scientific and Technological Research (CICITEM), Chile

(SPA) Recovery of Metals from Nickel Laterite Leach Waste Using Chelating Resin Amilton Botelho, Mónica Correa, Carlos Rosario, Denise Espinosa and Jorge Tenório, Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
(SPA) Copper Removal from an Acid Mine Drainage by a Liquid Emulsion Membrane

Fernando Valenzuela and Carlos Basualto, Laboratory of Unit Operations and Hydrometallurgy, Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universidad de Chile

12:30-14:00 Lunch. Poolside Terrace
Session 9: Electrometallurgical Processes
Chair: Erik Spiller, Kroll Institute for Extractive Metallurgy, Colorado School of Mines, USA
(SPA) Advancements in Commercialization of De Nora’s Self-Protected Anode for Metal Electrowinning

Luciano Iacopetti, Alice Calderara, Paolo Perrone, Industrie De Nora, Italy; Carl Brown, Piero Casanello, De Nora Tech, USA; and Takashi Furusawa, De Nora Permelec, Japan

(ENG) Influencing Factors Affecting Copper to Copper Bus Bar Contacts of an Electro-Refinery

David Molenaar, Y. Zhu, R. Rajasingam, T. Kilpatrick, E. Grimmond, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia; N. Aslin, A. Pranowo, Glencore Technology, Australia; J. Shi, The University of Melbourne, Australia

(SPA) Technological Advances in the Electrolytic Cell, Maintenance and Replacement

Robert Dufresne, Pultrusion Technique, Canada

(SPA) Short Circuit Detection and Monitoring of Electrowinning Cells Using High Resolution Thermal Imaging

M. Martínez, P. Czel, L. Ruíz, Álvaro Rendon, ECN, Mexico; J. Bezares, BCB Informática y Control, Spain; E. Nuño and V. Ahumada, La Parreña Mining Unit, Grupo Peñoles, Mexico

(ENG) Potential Hazards of Stray Current in an Electrolytic Tankhouse

Scot Sandoval, Technology Center, FreePort-McMoRan, USA

Session 10: Innovation, Modeling and Optimization of Process Control
Chair: Cristian Caro, FreePort-McMoRan, USA
(SPA) Simula-SXTM Copper Solvent Extraction Simulation Program

Xu Zhi-gang, Zhou Fang-li, Tang Qi-ming, Zou Qian and Wang Chao-hua, Solvent Extraction Engineering Research Center, Kopper Chemical Industry, China

(SPA) Improvements in Cross-Flow Ventilation and Development of a New System for Base Metal Electrowinning Cellhouses

Jorge Mella, Sabdiel Mella, Zeryán Guerra and Fernando Guerrero, SAME, Chile

(SPA) Suite AGLOM: A Unique System to Support Decision-Making and Automation of the Agglomeration and Curing Process

Alejandro Zepeda, Alfonso Fenick, Richard Gómez, DICTUC, Chile; Sergio Aguilera and Aldo Cipriano, Electrical Engineering Department, Ponficia Universidad Católica de Chile

(SPA) Monitoring Behaviour of Leaching Solution in Heap Piles Through Time-Sequential 3D Surface Geophysics Eduardo Alarcón, Sven Herlitz, AguaEx Geociencias, Chile; and José Martínez, AguaEx Geociencias, Spain
(ENG) Effect of Particle Size on Porosity by Bulk Density and Computed Tomography (CT) Scanning Methods

Shuo Zhang, Wenying Liu, Department of Materials Engineering, University of British Columbia, Canada

15:40-16:20 Poster Session and Coffee Break. Foyer
Plenary Session 3
Chair: Gabriel Meruane, Director of Research Projects, SQM, Chile
(SPA) Management and Operational Integration, Copper Process, Superior Quality Cathode

Nicolás Herrera, Manager of Planning and Process Control Cathodes, Minera Escondida, BHP, Chile

(SPA) Developments and Innovations in Operational Management at Minera Zaldívar

Jorge Picarte, Operations Manager, Minera Zaldivar, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile

Closing Ceremony
Seminar Balance and Final Comments
  • Carlos Barahona, Hydroprocess 2018 Executive Director; General Manager, Gecamin, Chile
  • Erik Spiller, Hydroprocess 2018 Co-organizer; Professor, Kroll Institute for Extractive Metallurgy, Colorado School of Mines, USA
  • Patricio Navarro, Hydroprocess 2018 Co-organizer; Professor, Director, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Fernando Valenzuela, Hydroprocess 2018 Program Chair; Academic Director, Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences, Universidad de Chile
  • Freddy Aroca, Hydroprocess 2018 Chair; Metallurgy Superintendent, Minera Antucoya, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile
Adsorption of Molybdenum(VI) and Rhenium(VII) in Aqueous Solution by Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles
José Gaete, Lorena Molina, Ian Alfaro, Joaquín Yañez and Fernando Valenzuela, Faculty of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences, Universidad de Chile
Pretreatment of Bornite Concentrate with Sulfuric Acid and Sodium Chloride at Temperatures over 50ºC Carlos Durán, Universidad de Santiago de Chile