Pre-Congress Activities
Virtual Technical Course 1 | Free Access for Registered to The Congress
Approach to The Social Closure of Mines: Challenges and Opportunities
Francisca Rivero,
Nigel Wight,
Katrina Matamala,
Dante Choque,
Camila Cabrera and
Catalina Bravo, SMI-ICE Chile
Pre-Congress Activities
Virtual Technical Course 2 | Free Access for Registered to The Congress
Heritage in Mining Closure Contexts
Pablo Andrade, USACH, Chile; and
María Angélica Martínez, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Pre-Congress Activities
Virtual Technical Course 3 | Free Access for Registered to The Congress
Moving Towards Passive Mine Closure
Douglas Aitken, Felipe Saavedra, Daniela Gamboa and
Jacques Wiertz, SMI-ICE Chile;
Claudia Ortiz, USACH, Chile;
Yasna Tapia, Universidad de Chile;
Carolina Parodi, Metropolitan Technological University;
Peter Erskine, University of Queensland, Australia; and
Oliver Maurer, WSP and Red NICOLE Latin America
13:40 - 14:00 Welcome Coffee
Session 1: Technical and Economical Risk Assessment
Moderator: Marcela Curotto, Geochemistry and Mine Closure Discipline Leader, SRK Consulting, Chile
Session 2: Rehabilitation and Post Closure Land Uses
Moderator: Marcelo Zepeda, Biodiversity and Closure Senior Lead, Teck Resources, Chile
Day 1 Program Update
Day 1 Program Update
What Doesn’t Kill the Project, Makes it Stronger: Learning from Failure in Mine ClosureResa Furey, Phillip Crouse and Andrew Watson, Stantec, USA; and
Cristian Marambio, Stantec, Chile
Planning for Post -Mining Geomorphic Final LandformsCameron Voss and Lachlan Yeldham, 3D Data Guidance, Australia
Enhancing Closure Plan Resilience: A Case Study on the Application of HAZOP Risk AnalysisJessica Duarte and Karine Basto, Pimenta de Ávila, Brazil
Land Use Prospects in Post-Mining Scenarios and The Process of Identifying AlternativesNereyda Loza and Osvaldo Aduvire, SRK Consulting, Peru
Use of Closure Provision to Enable Optimized Closure Outcomes: Escondida ExperienceCarlos Correa, Minera Escondida, BHP, Chile
A Well-done Mining Closure Plan: A Project Where the Mining and Agroindustry Sectors Came Together for Benefitial GrowthAlexandra Greidinger and
Olga López, Gravillera Albania, Colombia
Improving Mine Closure Estimates and Financial ProvisionsTroy Dunow, Turner & Townsend, Canada
Transfer of Auxiliary Facilities as Sustainable Closure Alternative in PeruGiselle Vera, Ausenco, Peru
Risk Assessment in Mine Closure: Key Considerations for Proper PlanningJorge Campos, Ager Consultoría, Chile
Title to be ConfirmedSpeaker to be Confirmed
15:50 - 16:10 Coffee Break and Posters Session
Session 3: Social Aspects and Stakeholders Engagement
Moderator: Marcela Cubillos, Project Coordinator, Gestiona Consultores, Chile
Session 4: Cover Systems
Moderator: Juan Palma, Director, Centro de Minería, PUCV, Chile
The Challenges of Social Investment Planning in Scenarios of Mine ClosureDaniela Rubilar, Camila Cabrera, Catalina Bravo, Francisca Rivero and Nigel Wight, SMI-ICE Chile
Durability of Geosynthetics for Minning Closure CoverageGustavo Fierro, Tecnología de Materiales, Peru
Participatory Social Closure Planning as A Tool for Community Development and Positive Legacy Sebastián Urresta and Casey Luongo, Socionaut, Mexico; and Renato Urresta, Socionaut, Panama
A Hybrid Cover System Strategy for The Closure of a Tailings Storage Facility in Brazilian CerradoGedeon Junior, Gabriel Mendonça and Alessandro Nepomuceno, Kinross Mining, Brazil
Social Impact Assessment of a Mine’s Life CycleChristian Belmar, Isidora Morales, Nicolás Araya and Vania Vargas, GDS Consulting, Chile
Sustainable Materials as Covers for The Closure of Tailings Storage FacilitiesDavid Rubinos, SMI-ICE Chile
Closure, Transition and Legacy from The Kolla Communities in Rinconada, Province of Jujuy, ArgentinaEdgardo Volpi and Telma Zemplin, SSR Mining Puna, Argentina
Review of Antamina Mine Cover System StudiesCeledonio Aranda, Sergio Yi Choy and Erika Calmell del Solar, Compañía Minera Antamina, Peru; Michael Milczarek, Jaime Bañuelos, Jason Keller and Iozsef Miskolczi, GeoSystems Analysis, USA
17:30 - 18:00 Coffee Break and Posters Session
Inaugural Ceremony
Welcome Words
- Mimy Mackenzie, Conference Manager, Gecamin, Chile
- Jacques Wiertz, Planning for Closure 2024 Technical Director; Associate Professor, Universidad de Chile
- Juan Palma, Planning for Closure 2024 Co-Organizer; Academic, Centro de Minería, PUCV, Chile
- Francisca Rivero, Planning for Closure 2024 Co-Organizer, General Manager, SMI-ICE Chile
- Hernani Lima, Planning for Closure 2024 Co-Organizer, Professor, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brazil
Opening Talk - Transforming the Legacy of Mining: Planning for the Future with Lessons from Teck’s Past
Bjorn Weeks, Senior Advisor, Mine Closure, Teck Resources, Canada
19:00 - 20:30 Welcome Reception
8:30 - 8:50 Welcome Coffee
Session 5: Closure Standards and Guidelines
Moderator: Pamela Valenzuela, Professor, Centro de Minería, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
Session 6: Chemical Stability
Moderator: David Rubinos, Scientific Leader, SMI-ICE Chile
Day 2 Program Update
Day 2 Program Update
Preparation for Compliance with International Closure Plan StandardsMarcelo Zepeda, Teck Resources, Chile
WRSF Landform Design Considerations to Reduce the ML/ARD Risk of Facilities in the Andes MountainsGreg Meiers, Mine Closure Management, Canada; Juliana Esper, BHP, Chile and Paul Weber, Mine Waste Management, New Zealand
ICMM´s Closure Maturity Framework Overall Results in Chilean AssetsMarcela Cubillos, Gestiona Consultores, Chile
Passive Treatment of Sulfate-Rich Waters Derived from AMDJuliana Esper, BHP, Chile; Virginia Ciminelli, Universidade Ferderal de Minas Gerais, Brazil;
Leonardo Navarro, Mine Waste Management, New Zealand and Greg Meiers, Mine Closure Management, Canada
Holistic Approach to Redefine Mine Closure PlanRicardo Camargo,
Vivian Sanches and Alessandro Lopes, ERM, Brazil
Chemical Stability Management for Closure: Using Geostatistics in Decision MakingSebastián García, Vasty Zamorano, Alonso Vargas and
May-Lin Almendras, Arcadis, Chile
First Functional Prototype of The Online Platform “Tailing Closure” For Assessing Physical Stability of Tailings Storage FacilitiesVinicius Minatogawa, Gabriel Villavicencio, José García and Gabriel Hermosilla, PUCV, Chile; Gonzalo Suazo, UTFSM, Chile; Pierre Breul, Université Clermont Auvergne, France; and Andrés León, Luis Briceño, Ricardo López and Gabriel Valdés, Sernageomin, Chile
AMD Mitigation by Waste Rock Relocation and Mine Flooding: The Ronneburg Mining SiteUlf Barnekow, Marcel Roscher, Robert Sieland and Michael Paul, Wismut, Germany
10:20 - 11:00 Coffee Break and Posters Session
Plenary Session 1
Kim Ferguson, Director Mine Closure (Global), WSP, Canada
How to Deal with an Early and Unexpected Closure?
Alejandro Chambi, Environmental Manager, First Quantum Minerals, Panama
Challenges of Temporary Closure of a Mining Operation
Sandra Moreira, Manager Major Permits & Closure, Cerro Colorado, BHP, Chile
12:00 - 12:20 Short Break
Plenary Session 2
Natalia Giménez, Sustainability and Environment Manager, Minera Exar, Argentina
Plenary Session Sponsor
Ventanas Smelter Closure Key points
Claudio Flores, Change and Transformation Management Manager, Ventanas Division, Codelco, Chile
State of the Art of Dismantling Methodologies in the World
Michel Chait, General Manager, Flesan Minería, Chile
Session 7: Mine Closure Management and Governance
Moderator: Francisca Rivero, General Manager, SMI-ICE Chile
Session 8: Revegetation and Phytostabilization
Moderator: Humberto Rivas, Corporate Director Environmental Management, Codelco, Chile
Certification of Closure Projects and PAM Approach to Environmental ExpertiseRuy Guillermo and John Melgarejo, Buenaventura Mining Company, Peru
Evaluation of Native Colonising Species for Revegetation of Mining Waste Deposits in Central ChilePatricio Olivares, Carolina Vargas, Oscar Fernández and Andrés López, Ausenco, Chile; and Juan Pedro Otárola, Minera Florida, Chile
New Approaches to Mine ClosureJohn Melgarejo, Buenaventura Mining Company, Peru
Monitoring of Progressive Closure Areas through Remote Sensing and NDVI Vegetation IndexesIván Salas and Abdhiel Bustamante, Hudbay, Peru
QB2 Project Permit Management and Closure PlansCecilia Adasme and
Arturo Mejías, Teck Resources, Chile
Nature-Based Solutions for the Closure and Rehabilitation of Metal(loid)-Contaminated Mining LandMaría Paz Valenzuela, David Rubinos, Daniela Gamboa, Dilan Campos, Felipe Saavedra, SMI-ICE-Chile; and Barry Noller and Mansour Edraki, Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation (CMLR), Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, Australia
Building a Closure Vision at One of Teck’s Operations in ChileMarcelo Zepeda, Teck Resources, Chile; Marcela Cubillos, Independent Mine Closure Consultant, Chile; and Lilian Valdebenito, SRK Consulting, Chile
Mitigating Uncertainties from Closure Planning: Experimental Method for Validation and Optimization of Erosion Control and Revegetation in Iron Ore TailingsJulia Diana, Ricardo Almeida,
Ricardo Lessa and Alexandre Pena, WSP, Brazil and Gabriel Kruschewsky, Fundação Renova, Brazil
Prioritization of Criteria Used to Operate for Mine ClosureIsabela Diniz, Alessandro Resende and Paulo Ribeiro, Vale, Brazil
Phytostabilization Potential of Native Plants Species in Soils Impacted by Mining ActivitiesPablo Bustos, María Paz Valenzuela, Daniela Gamboa, Dilan Campos, David Rubinos and Felipe Saavedra, SMI-ICE Chile
16:30 - 17:00 Coffee Break and Posters Session
Session 9: Closure Plan Design and Assessment
Moderator: Andrés López, Environmental Planning & Ecology Manager, Ausenco, Chile
Session 10: Progressive Mine Closure
Moderator: Carolina del Valle, Environmental Manager, Cerro Negro, Newmont, Argentina
Assessment of Extreme Precipitation Events under Climate Change Scenarios in Search of a Resilient Closure DesignCamila Loyola, Ignacio Toro, Ricardo González and Susana Robles, WSP, Chile
Partial Closures in Chile and the Advantages of their ApplicationCarolina Escudero,
Amir Jacob and Marcela Cubillos, Gestiona Consultores, Chile
Design Methodology for Mine Closure Covers with GeosyntheticsGustavo Fierro, Tecnología de Materiales, Peru
Progressive Mine Closure: Reclamation of a Copper Mine Waste Pile in The North of BrazilBruna Costa, Schweyka de Oliveira and Larissa Bargoena, Vale Base Metals, Brazil
Geographic Information Systems and Web Viewer Implementation in the Management and Closure Planning of the World’s Largest Copper Producer, EscondidaMauricio González and Yeraldy Díaz, Minera Escondida, BHP, Chile
Transfer and Adaptability of Wetlands for The Environmental Viability of The Mining Project in PeruJulio César and
Marisela Huamán, JCI Ingienería y Servicios Ambientales, Peru
Title to be ConfirmedSpeaker to be Confirmed
Enhancing Copper Extraction in Heap Leach Pile for Sustainable Mine Closure Using BioSulphideOscar López, Pablo Bellalta and Francis Gantley, BQE Water, Chile
18:20 - 20:00 Networking Cocktail
8:30 - 8:50 Welcome Coffee
Session 11: Economic Evaluation and Funding of Closure Plans
Moderator: César Montes, Mine Closure Lead, Newmont, Mexico
Session 12: Closure of Tailing Deposits
Moderator: Hugo Quelopana, Engineering Manager, Gestiona Consultores, Chile
Day 3 Program Update
Day 3 Program Update
The Use of Closure Plans and Closure Costs as A Modifying Factor to Convert Mineral Resources to Mineral ReservesLeonardo Leite and Thiago Toussaint, SRK Consulting, Brazil
Tailings Storage Facilities Closure: Threats and ChallengesJacques Wiertz, Dilan Campos, David Rubinos and Felipe Saavedra, SMI-ICE Chile
Management of Mining Liabilities: The Practical Case of Serrinha Mine – MG/BrazilDébora Schaper, Wemerson Militão and Leticia Pires, Vale, Brazil
Closure Planning for Tailings Storage Facility: Case Study of Planned Test Cells and Their InstrumentationGabriela Prinz, Ana Albuquerque,
Ricardo Lessa, Igo Tavares and Antônio Freitas, WSP, Brazil and Fernanda Guabiroba, AngloGold Ashanti, Brazil
Asset Management at Closure: Progressive Closure, Closure Provisions and Financial GuaranteesDavid Pérez, SRK Consulting, Chile
Hydraulic Dewatered Stacking (HDS): The Legacy Benefit Related to A Faster and More Value-Accretive Closure of Tailings FacilitiesAndrea López, Anglo American, Chile; and Phil Newman, Anglo American, UK
Systematization of Information as A Tool for Control, Planning and Economic Evaluation of Closure WorksJohn Melgarejo, Ruy Guillermo and
Iván Ibarra, Buenaventura Mining Company, Peru
Analysis of Closure Alternatives for Wind Erosion Control for Four Tailings Storage Facilities in Central and Northern ChileAnna Llenas and
Adolfo Andrade, WSP, Chile; and Fernando Junqueira, WSP, Canada
Systematization Proposal for Mine Closure Plans Update Based on Portfolio Management ToolsFernanda Guabiroba, Anglogold Ashanti, Brazil and Samira Sestari Nascimento, University of Sao Paulo-ESALQ, Brazil
Evaluation of Wind Erosion in Tailings Storage Facilities for The Control of Dust Emission in The Closure StagePamela Valenzuela and Juan Palma, Centro de Minería, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
10:40 - 11:20 Coffee Break and Posters Session
Plenary Session 3
Jacques Wiertz, Academic, Universidad de Chile
The Social, Environmental and Chemical Mine Closure at Cerro de San Pedro, Carried Out by Minera San Xavier
Marisol Barragán, General Director, Minera San Xavier, New Gold, Mexico
Mine Waste Transformation through Characterization: Unlocking Circular Economy Opportunities for The Mining Sector
Anita Parbhakar-Fox, Group Leader - Mine Waste Transformation through Characterization, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, Australia
Opportunities for Progressive Closure of Underground Mines in Cerro Negro, Argentina
Carolina del Valle, Federico González and Alejandro Ojeda, Cerro Negro, Newmont, Argentina
Session 13: Mining Companies’ Perspective
Moderator: Erika Calmell, Environmental Planning Manager, Antamina, Peru
Session 14: Technical and Economic Aspects of Closure
Moderator: Hernani Lima, Professor, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brazil
Climate Change in the Design of Closure Measures: Cerro Colorado CaseLuisa Cares and Francisca Arriagada, Pampa Norte, BHP, Chile; and Sandra Moreira, BHP, Chile
Unit Costs Dispersion Analysis in Regulatory Closure PlansBraulio Osses, Stephane Herrera and Lilian Valdebenito, SRK Consulting, Chile
Effective Mine Closure Governance: The Vital Role of the Mine Closure Committee in a Successful Site RelinquishmentSantiago Alcázar, Minsur, Peru
Advanced Geophysics in Support of Mine Closure Plans and Management of Mining Environmental LiabilitiesSergio Labbé, VEOLIA, Chile
Title to be confirmedSpeaker to be Confirmed
Experiences of Mine Closure Cover with Geosynthetic in PeruRainer Lagos and Gustavo Fierro, Tecnología de Materiales, Peru
Closing Ceremony and Farewell Toast
Congress Balance and Final Comments
- Mimy Mackenzie, Conference Manager, Gecamin, Chile
- Jacques Wiertz, Planning for Closure 2024 Technical Director; Associate Professor, Universidad de Chile
- Bjorn Weeks, Planning for Closure 2024 Chair, Senior Advisor, Mine Closure, Teck Resources, Canada
15:20 - 17:30 Closing Ceremony and Farewell Toast
Poster Session
Abandoned Mine Tailings in Chile: Health Risk Assessment and Environmental Management
Simón Burgos and Patricia Matus, Universidad de Los Andes, Chile
Analysis of Soil Remediation Techniques in Copper Mining
Fernanda López, Geralynd Munizaga,
Valentina Duarte, Universidad de La Serena, Chile
; and Denisse Duhalde, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
The Effect of Precipitation on Mining Closure Covery with Geosynthetics
Bruna Todescan, TDM Geossintéticos, Brazil; and Gustavo Fierro, Tecnología de Materiales, Peru